If your learning is inclined that way, large provider tutoring will get you good marks.
Whether or not you have any fun at all doing it is a different story.
However, you 100% do not need tutoring to get good marks. Very good study habits, keeping up with your schools pace of content, and looking beyond the basic-level understanding (if you go to a less well resources school) also gets you good marks.
If you are a student who is able to find the own flaws in their understanding, your time is probably better spent working on the things you know you have trouble with and developing a deeper level of understanding rather than going through the forced process used in large provider tutoring, where you are going to go over & have to do homework on things that you already understand.
If you are somewhat high performing but find it hard to know where to improve, and your teachers will not/cannot show you how, private tutoring may be a good option for you, because they will be able to do what I said in the previous paragraph for you (and (hopefully!) wont spend time on useless things you already have a strong grasp of).
Given that most of your friends are aiming for 97+, I assume you are at a reasonably well resourced school that is probably also high ranking. You likely really don't need tutoring for all your subjects to achieve your atar goal.