Uhh...variety of questions regarding accounting & uni prefs (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 16, 2009
First of all, I would like to apologise if any of these questions have been answered previously. I'm on holiday at the moment so I'm limited on the time I can spend on the internet, I did try to do a quick search before I ask any of the following questions.

I'm interested in doing accounting. Unfortunately, I think I just missed out on com/arts at UNSW so I'm looking for alternatives.

1) How common is it for people to do two majors in economics at UNSW? Is it recommended to do two majors? How much bigger is the workload? I think in the UAC guide, it said that I can choose accounting as my second major.

2) If I do end up doing eco/arts, I would like to transfer com/arts eventually. Will I need to start commerce at first year if I transfer at the start of second year?

3) My other option was to do accounting/finance at MQ. Would I be able to do the accounting component in the city?

4) Would you rather do eco/arts at UNSW and hope for a transfer to com/arts or just complete com/arts at MQ OR accounting/finance at MQ? :/

One last question slightly irrelevant, what's the difference between com/arts and com (liberal studies) at UNSW, I know it takes longer to complete com/arts? Do you just have a more broad choice in the arts component?

Sorry if these questions are silly. I'm the first child so I'm absolutely clueless in this area. I have no idea how all these uni stuff works.

Thanks for your help.

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