If you want to stay in UWS then you just do two units [which is part time and the max you can do] in the first semester, then they will send you a letter and you can apply for their courses. You can do it the whole year then apply for uni through UAC [mid year they send the letter, end of year -you're expected to apply through UAC].
& on the left are the different units [theyre in the categories and stuff].
Second link, on the side click any of the 'arts&humanities' etc, and then it shows 'http://staff.uws.edu.au/students/stuadmin/admissions/unitrack/arts' thats all the price etc.
'Additional Information' is for things to do with the uai needed to do that unit [some dont have any uai's needed at all ]
You don't NEED to do the STAT test but it helps your chances of getting into uni [other than UWS].
As the other person said, do you have more specific questions?
uuh yeah i have a lot of free time :/