Can you explain Casmira, cause after yesterday, I'm liking the idea of B Eco (Financial Economics/Finance).
lecturers are really really really bad, almost all finance subjects i do have no formal way of you to test your knowledge. for instance im doing fins3640 atm and the exam is based on purely what the lecturer has said, that involves me rote learning his notes.. u know how fucking boring/stupid that is? its doable, hell it might even be easier than asking a bunch of questions but its the lazy-lecturer's way out of making you learn properly.
we learn through question and challenges, not memorising the notes
ive had to do the above tactic a bunch of times, a tactic im not used to. i prefer to challenge myself but considering the book doesnt even follow hte notes im fucked
in saying that, ive talked to every major firm/bank at careers day. rocked up in semi casual suit and all for them to take me serious and every single one of them
does not care about the university, only marks -- if macq has better teaching style and you're an audial learner like me then go there. the masters of applied finance program (at macq) also very highly regarded amongst the banks but you'll still be considered with the rest of hte canidates for applying at a bank.
HEED my advice, i went shit first 2 years only now im pulling Cr/D but too little to late unfortunatley
finance also leaves big holes if you are like me and did general maths. it is no fluke that everyone i know doing honours at finance is also doing a maths degree on the side, to them they are learning same shit twice when doing finance
i know this cause i went from intro stats -> financial econometrics (very hard stats) and now i find my other stats courses (and even some finance ones) piss easy
also really look into if you like finance. its not all about you graduate and you are an investment banker, there are (from memory) only 20,000 positions in the world that are IB's, (this isnt alot if you REALLY think about it). IB's are highly regarded like CFO and CEO so it isnt as easy as getting a local maccas manager job.
i personally think its a boring peice of shit and if i could go back in time i'd pick medicine. people are getting fired left right and centre i hope for your sake that the it picks up by the time you guys graduate.
one more peice of advice, if youre passionite do it! but
good luck!