what the? I wasn't being rude. I was trying to not let UAI-cutoff influence your decision. You did a great thing by making a decision by the content of the degree, which is what I try to get to you.
There exist some people who think higher UAI = better facilities. I don't want you to think that way, thats all. Besides if UNSW lower the number of people getting admitted into a particular course, then it is likely a higher UAI-cutoff for UNSW commerce course. Say 10 people wants to study commerce with their uais being [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]
If UNI A takes 3 people, than the cut-off would be 97.
If uni B takes 10 people, than the cut-off would be 90.
What I mean is, just because UNI A has higher cutoff, it doesn't necessary mean it is better in teaching, facility, services than UNI B.. Thats all. I apologise if you find my previous post offensive.