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UNSW Subject Reviews. (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Nov 17, 2014
Ease: 8/10 Essay marks were poor as a cohort but I went well with not much effort so I assume many don't try? Final and mid-sem are both pretty easy
Content: 7/10 Decently interesting
Lecturer: 0/10 Legitimately reads out the slide word-for-word
Overall: 7/10

Ease: 9.5/10 Most quiz answers are online. Investigations are easy to get full marks in
Content: 6/10 Old physics concepts learned in yr 12 and some new ones that are slightly more boring
Lecturer: 7/10 Decent job but I didn't really watch any lectures tbh
Overall: 8/10 EZ HD

Ease: 8/10 Midsem is easy. Presentation and essay were marked quite leniently. No final
Content: 8/10 Learning about different facets of the Hollywood film industry. If you're at all interested in films, some of this can actually be quite decent and enjoyable to learn about
Lecturer: 7/10 Lecturers cycled each week. Some were good, some were horrible
Overall: 7.8/10 EZ HD

Ease: 8/10 Playconomics = guaranteed 20%. Midsems are alright if you prepare, I just never did. Final exam can be tricky because they do sneakys with multiple choices. Exam writers are snakey af imo
Content: 8/10 Was interesting and definitely a good course to start learning about economics
Lecturer: 7.5/10 Once again, seldom did I attend or watch, but when I did, he was decent
Overall: 8/10

Lel at the combination of courses I did this sem


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Uni Grad
Ease: 8/10. One of the easier MATH courses to take and a good choice for an elective. Class tests and final were straightforward but you need to be careful of the slightly harsh marking criteria (easy to lose marks if you miss certain things).
Content: 8/10. Complex Numbers mixed in with Calculus. Quite interesting most of the time (nifty methods in integration and techniques such as the Laplace transform were pretty cool) though in other sections it can get confusing at times.
Lecturer: 9/10. Cowling is a solid lecturer. Knows his stuff very well and clear when explaining concepts. Goes at a good pace too.
Overall: 8/10. Straightforward and interesting for the most part and relatively easy to get a good mark if you prepare well.

Ease: 5/10. Not an easy course. Assignments are alright, but the mid-session and final can be tough especially if you don't know your lecture notes very well. Need to spend a lot of time to try and wrap your head around concepts that aren't very well explained and even then it can be a trek. It's meant to be a computing course focusing on R but instead focuses more on proofs/regurgitation of theory which is weird...
Content: 6/10. Pretty dry most of the time but some of the techniques you learn i.e GLMs, Simulation etc. can be interesting and useful.
Lecturer: 5/10. Yanan Fan. Not very engaging and doesn't really seem to care too much about this course. You won't really know what to expect for the mid-session and final so it's pretty hard to gauge what you need study. No past papers are released either.
Overall: 5/10. A difficult course due to it not being what it's meant to be with a pretty ridiculous final. Really need to know and memorise/understand the lecture notes very well (tutorials don't help that much) if you want to do pull off a decent mark.


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad


Ease: (6/10)
- Very heavy content based and its a pain to memorise the content.
- Stay away unless you plan on to do CPA/CA courses.
- Not worth purchasing the textbook and its was useless
- Ridiculous amounts of effort assignments that was worth 15% and marked harshly.
Content: (5/10)
- It was boring and painful.
- It sorta like business studies but from a technical perspective.
Lecturer: Eric (6/10)
- Interesting and very enthusiastic about technology.
- Downside is his slides are pictures with minimal text so it was hard to learn. Nevertheless focus on the lecture slides for finals as the bulk of the finals was derived from there.
Tutor: Seiya (8/10)
- He explains the key concepts well and gives useful advice on how to answer discussion questions.
- Very generous towards tutorial participation and encourages students to contribute to maximise their tut marks.
- In addition, apart from teaching, he help students on how to find a job or how to prepare for job interview.
- Downside in his tuts was at times, it seemed that he wasting time and ended the workshops early.

Overall: (6/10)
- It was an alright course but it was very boring at times due to the nature of assessment tasks and the topics.
- You have to put a lot of effort to get a good mark. BS alone won't help you if you don't know the content well enough.
- I think this course scales down
ayeeee my boi seiya.

oh yeah, eric lim the king of sexual innuendo in lectures.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2015
Semester 2

CHEM1041: - 6.5/10
Although the first topic is easy, Organic Chem and Inorganic chem are actually quite a jump from chem1031. Personally found that organic chem was actually aids (altough i think the majority of people liked organic chem even if it was hard). Inorganic chem is quite easy. Don't leave organic last minute as too much to memorise and learn.

Lectures: First Topic Lecturer was good, then we had some vietnamese dude for organic and didnt understand him at all so stopped going. His Slides were good tough. Inorganic with marcus Cole, who isnt the greatest lecture either, but slides have enough information to learn yourself.
?/10 - didnt go to enough lectures after the first topic to have a relialbe grade.

Tutorials: Same as Chem1031. Good useful shit. Write down answers as u will want them when ur studying for exams, and no answers are provided for u. I didnt learn too much from these because i was never prepared for them but definitely useful for answers regardless.

Labs: Much easier to get a better lab mark than in chem1031. Labs should be no trouble at all. Some boring but most were good.

Exam: Same sort of shit as past exams, inorganic and first topic especially. Organic questions can get aids if u dont know it well.

Difficulty: 6/10 mainly because of organic(would be a 4/10 otherwise...), and because it is vastly different from 1031. This subject made me decide to swap my chemistry major to biotechnology instead after not enjoying organic at all.

COMP1927: - 7/10

content: pretty interesting actually. Algorihms and data analysis, and graphs and Trees and hash tables and stuff. Good change from comp1917. I enjoyed a lot

Lectures: Pretty boring lecturer and goes of on random tangents. Aparently slides are good though. STopped going and wathcing them online after week 3.

Tutorials/Labs: This is where u learn the main shit in this course. My tutors were amazing. The Labs exercises were pretty good as well, although sometimes needed to be harder. Otherwise, yeh, this is how i learnt most of the course through these tut/labs. 9/10.

Exam: Theory part straightforward like the past exams, the prac part u need a lot of practice coding shit throuoghut the sem to get.

Assignments: Challenging. But if enough hours are spent should turn out fine.

Overall: Good course. Gets difficult at times. i'd say. 6 or 7/10 diffuclty because of the prac part of exam.


ease: 9.5/10 (if uve done high school physics). Otherwise like 6 or 7/10 ease (although until u start doing practice finals u will think its really hard), u should be able to get 80 with normal effort if uve never done physics b4.

lectures: first guy was good energetic, second lecturer was boring. i guess they were alrigth, only attended 1 every week because i knew everything. Slides were alright as well. Would defintely recommend all of the first guys lectures thogh.

tutorials: going through the hwk booklet and answers. Answers get put up online so u can skip these if u want unless u have questions.

Labs: Standard shit u should get full for all labs.

Wiley Quizzes: can be some challenging questions here. Just use google as the questions given are from test banks and other places (sometimes with different numbers). Dont worry if u cant do ALL questions on your own initally from these. some were challegning.

Pre Lab quizzes: If uve done the pre lab lesson b4 hand should be quite easy. U should get MOST questions correct.

Exam: Same layout as past exams which u are given. BAsically all calculations. is worth 50% of total mark. also u must pass this to pass the course. Only "tricky" part in my 2016 s2 exam was the wave question.
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New Member
Sep 6, 2014
yeah, I had to watch Jas (COMP1927 lecturer) at 2x speed for it to seem normal


New Member
Sep 6, 2014
MATH1241: - 9/10
The content was pretty straight forward, and if you kept up to date, it was easy to understand. (Course pack was so good).

Lectures: 7/10, they were pretty interesting topics, and the lecturers were pretty clear to understand, but I mostly just learnt through the course pack.

Tutorials: Good tutors, I got my lecturers as my tutors so I was pretty happy with that

I swear maths makes their exams too long, cause you end up just finishing and don't have time to check your answers.

Difficulty: 6/10 (if you keep up to date with the work)

ELEC1111: - 6/10

content: pretty interesting. At the start is kinda confusing, but once you get used to it, its interesting.

Lectures: Not good at all. We had Phu Le, and it was so hard to understand him. He tried to help as much as possible, but it was very hard to understand what he was saying. Plus he'd spend heaps of time on the easy stuff and like 2 seconds on the hard stuff.

Tutorials/Labs: I had one of the better tutors. He pretty much taught me the course, others I heard were bad though. 9/10.

Exam: Midsem is a lot harder than the final in my experience, but might just be because there isn't much content towards the end.

difficulty: 7/10

Overall: Good course. But the lectures were like AIDS. It made the course a lot harder than it should have been.


difficulty: 5/10. Its so easy if you did phys 1121/1131

lectures: pretty interesting and good lecturers.

tutorials: pretty easy questions. Good to develop you understanding.

Labs: Annoying but pretty easy. There is course pack on the the mecheng taskforce page which gives you a sample report. I recommend 'drawing inspiration' from it (They do use turnitin so don't plagiarise).

Exam: So easy. Finished like an hour and a half early, then rechecked my answers in 30 mins then left. Most people left when I did.

Overall: 6/10. It was easy, but even if you get all the questions right in the in class exams and probably the final (with some working), you can still get 50%, since you didn't write down the equations you used explicitly. The smartsparrow online tutes were broken and didn't work half the time, and the final exam barely weighs anything, so the weighting of the in class exams and smart sparrow tutes actually have a significant impact on your final mark. I don't think they scale your marks either


Metallic Oxide
Jun 16, 2015

Ease-8.5/10, really easy course if you learn you do past papers and keep relatively up to date

Lectures: skip yours and go to watch/take Daniel Mansfield's lecturers

Tutorials: learnt everything from these classroom, Calculus tut was 11/10 Algebra tut was shit so got rekt.


Ease- 8/10
Lecturers are all different, ranging from extra sleep time to very interesting. Shit ton of memorizing and lots of shitty assignments you have to do. Would not recommend to take it again, feels like an arts course in Engineering. Final exam (3 hours) was too long. Crammed in 2 days and got 71 final mark. TLDR course is 80% content and 20% year 10 maths. Taking chem for hsc helps a bit in the biomass topic.


Ease- 7/10
Looking back, the course really wasn't that hard, the quizzes were easily googleable and labs are easy marks if you can adapt *bullshit* well. The final exam is really easy this year if you learnt your content properly you 100% will pass. Didn't bother going to any lectures past electromagnism but gotta say adam micolich was a pretty on point lecturer. Workshop lessons are pretty useless for the most part


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub

ANAT3121 - Visceral Anatomy:

Ease: 7/10

- Spot tests: If you think there is a question she won't ask from the lab book, she probably will. Sure, identification isn't too difficult, but the theory questions make up quite a significant amount of the exam. You need to know every detail, every nook and every cranny, even if it sounds like it can't ever be examined. Oblique diameter of pelvic inlet? Yep, better know its value to its first decimal place. I'm not even joking, know your shit buddy.
- Clinical test: Shit, this was hard. Unfortunately lots of people were able to cheat and work together so it may have given Dr. Pandey a false idea that the exam was easy. But it was hard. I made a few silly mistakes though. Know your clinical stuff. I have to say though the exam questions were a bit easier than the ones in our lab book.
- final exam: Time consuming, not difficult if you know your stuff. Just hard to get it all down in the required time. it's also easy to forget to include some things because there is so much to write. A methodical approach is probably best, for every organ.
- Location
- Coverings
- external features
- internal features
- neurovasculature (nerves/blood vessels)
- lymphatics

Content: 8/10

Great stuff, although the lab book is just chunk of texts, so it's pretty hard to digest all the information. It's also very all over the place and disorganised. I stuck to aclands as much as I could and made flow charts otherwise all that info was going to be impossible to absorb.

Lecturer 7/10:

I'm not really a fan of how slowly she goes.

Tutor: 9/10
Ji soo - helpful and knows her shit. We had a pretty hilarious bunch in our lab class but she still managed to teach us all the stuff that Dr Pandey missed and clarified things.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2012
2016 Subject Reviews S1

ACCT1501 - Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A

Ease: 9/10. Pretty easy course. Make sure you know your statements and stuff well and just memorise and you'll be fine.
Content: 5/10. Boring. You have to force yourself to do statements and stuff but it's easy.
Lecturer: 5/10. Boring. Just watch lectures 1.5x or just do the work.
Tutors: 7/10. Tutor was cool. Only really understood content at tutorials.

Overall: 6/10. Not really recommended unless you have to take it obviously or looking for a WAM booster and willing to put in hours behind boring content.


COMP2911 - Eng. Design in Computing

Ease: 7/10. Pretty easy stuff. Didn't go lectures and still sort of understood everything.
Content: 6/10. Pretty boring stuff but easy. Make sure you know your stuff.
Lecturer: -5/10. Worst lecturer, boring etc. Reason why not more negative is because for a few lectures there was a decent lecturer.
Tutors: 8/10. Good tutor if you actually go, which you should even if it's not compulsory.

Overall: 4/10. NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL. WAM KILLER. Final Exam was a speed writing test.


FINS1613 - Business Finance

Ease: 8/10. Relatively easy course. Can get 100s.
Content: 6/10. Semi-interesting course. General info regarding finance - but it's really just calculations.
Lecturer: 5/10. Tbh idk one was good other two was meh.
Tutors: 5/10. Not much you can do here but they teach you stuff you don't need to know...

Overall: 6/10. Alright course. Just practice.


MGMT1001 - Managing Organisations & People

Ease: 6/10. Not easy at all, essays take time to do and the reports and to remember content for the final.
Content: 12/10. Very interesting content and lecturers speak from experience.
Lecturer: 9/10. One of the lecturers are very well experienced and speak from it found them very beneficial. The other lecturer not really.
Tutors: 9/10. These were fun - my favourite tutorials.

Overall: 9/10. If you don't mind essays and reports that much, as well as willing to come to lectures then it's definitely beneficial. But beware it's a wam killer.

2016 Subject Reviews S2

COMP3331 - Computer Networks & Applications

Ease: 9/10. Ez.
Content: 7/10. Interesting content. You fell you already know it but it really just cleans it all up and organises it for you.
Lecturer: 8/10. Salil dogs :p
Tutors: -3/10. Worst tutors/tutorials ever. No one talks there. Tutor doesn't talk. Everyone is zombies. CSE FIX THIS PLZ.

Overall: 6/10. Decent course, you learn a few things.


INFS1602 - Info Systems in Business

Ease: 7/10. It's just memorising.
Content: 5/10. It's just memorising.
Lecturer: 5/10. It's just memorising.
Tutors: 8/10. Made it bearable but it was just memorising.

Overall: 6/10. Just memorise everything. Oh and make sure you do good in the project(s).


INFS1603 - Business Databases

Ease: 5/10. No one knows what they're doing in lectures and later in SQL.
Content: 9/10. Stuff you should defs know.
Lecturer: 7/10. Not a bad lecturer.
Tutors: 8/10. Kewl tutor, wish we actually had tutorials.

Overall: 7/10. If you want to learn useful stuff do this course.


MARK1012 - Marketing Fundamentals

Ease: 9/10. Ez course if you do the work.
Content: 5/10. What was this course, did I really learn anything?
Lecturer: 9/10. Mohammed bruh - he's a funny bloke.
Tutors: 6/10. Tutorials were worst - get ready to be with your friends or internationals - tutor made it ok.

Overall: 7/10. WAM boost if you do the work!


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Semester 1, 2016
COMP2121: Microprocessors and Interfacing
Ease: 3/10
Content: 0/10 Very very dry. Assembly language. Yuk.
Lecturer: Sri (2/10) I don't really like his lecturing style, despite many others praising him as funny.
Tutor/Demonstrator: Daniel Murphy (8/10) Probably the only good thing about this subject. Very helpful and knowledgable.
Overall: 0/10 I really hated this subject. It is perhaps probably the least interesting subject I've taken at uni. It was a subject that we're required to take as (then) Computer Science students and I thought it would be ok when I first started. It was a nightmare for me, especially debugging the code for the project.

COMP3441: Security Engineering
Ease: 8/10 Creating the portfolio on a weekly basis, write blogs and journals etc. isn’t that difficult.
Content: 3/10
Lecturer: Richard Buckland (8/10) A very well-known and loved lecturer within the school. Though he gives very compelling talks, I felt that maybe he should give use lecture slides, rather than consistently talk over the next 3 - 4 hours (speaking of which, it was a night lecture 5pm - 9pm). Rarely replies to emails as every CSE student knows. On one hand he really cares for his students.
Tutor: Jordan (3/10) Sometimes would bludge for enormous amount of time during the tutes.
Overall: 1/10 Despite having Buckland for this subject, it was really a waste of my time unfortunately. I felt that I learnt very little in cyber security, in terms of it lacked practicality. Having done this concurrently with COMP2121 was one of the worst experiences I’ve had in my education life, and as a result made me choose radically different subjects for the following semester.
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Semester 2, 2016
So for my final semester, I’ve just focused on my remaining electives.

COMP3511: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Ease: 9/10 Very easy and straight forward coming from any background.
Content: 9/10 Good interesting content. As well as the UI/UX design parts, there's a bit of psychology to this subject (e.g. short and long term memory, Cognitive load theory) and how its applicable to HCI overall.
Lectuer: Nadine Marcus (9/10) Very knowledgeable and encourages participation during lectures.
Tutor: Cat Kutay (9/10) Very helpful and replies well to emails.
Overall: 10+/10 Although many CSE students perceive this subject as being ‘not technical’, this subject teaches you the processes of interface design, not the ‘knowledge’ - which is great as it can be applicable in many other disciplines. 10% participation and attendance, 15% for User Interface Analysis assignment, 25% for a major UCD group work assignment, and 50% for the final exam. Speaking of which, the final exam consisted of a multiple choice and short answer part. The multiple choice was quite difficult than I expected (they asked questions from small sections of the subject). The short answer is ok. I highly recommend this to anyone thinking of going into UI/UX design (you don't have to be a CSE student to take HCI, just 48 units of credit from any degree) -
[N.B. the harmonic mean as well as group peer review is used in this subject, so make sure you do well in every assignment piece.]

ARTS2091: Mobile Cultures
Ease: 9/10 marks easily
Content: 5/10. Meh. For our major essay, we’re meant to analyse tweets and discuss the nature of it…
Lecturer: Michele Zappavigna (7/10) She’s a nice person, even though I only attended a few lectures
Tutor: Michele (see above)
Overall: 5/10 Essentially a linguistics plus social media subject. Although a relatively straight forward subject, I’m just amazed at some of the content that this is actually considered a university subject. Essay was marked quite easily, the presentation was marked quite easily as well, and the final exam was pretty much a port of the lecture slides plus some readings.

PSYC2101: Assessment, Personality, and Psychopathology
Ease: 8/10
Content: 9/10 We've covered Child Psychopathology (my least favorite topic), Psychometrics, Bipolar, Schizophrenia (favorite topic), OCD, Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Personality Disorders, Depression, and Intelligence.
There was some overlap with the content from PSYC1011.
Eva Kimonis (Child Psychopathology, Personality Disorders) (7/10)
Jessica Grisham (OCD, Anxiety Disorders) (8/10)
Thomas Whitford (Psychometrics, Bipolar, Schizophrenia) (10+/10) Great to have him again. The greatest lecturer I’ve had in my uni career. His lectures are very intellectually stimulating.
Lisa Williams (Intelligence) (8/10)
Angela Nickerson (Depression, PTSD) (8/10)
Tutor: Maddy (8/10)
Overall: 9/10 Like 1st year psychology, if you remember all the lecture slides by heart, you’re pretty much set in scoring Distinction+ in the final exam. For the final exam, they said that the content is from the lecture slides, tutorials, and the readings. I just prepared the exam with only memorising the lecture slides. In the actual final exam that I did, there was only one question from the readings, and luckily, it was the exact reading same (there were about 10 - 15 readings in total for the subject) that I had to do for my presentation.
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New Member
Oct 21, 2013

For those that are considering MARK1012 as an option for commerce because they've heard its a massive WAM booster - its not. Instead it can seriously bellyflop ur WAM.
Marketings probably the most ridiculous/stupid/gayest subject you can ever do and is horrendously risky cos 40% of the marks are derived from groupwork. IF u end up with international students who can't speak good english/Local students who ended up with a band4/low band 5 in english, chances are UR GONEEEE!!! Some of the tutors are heaps homosexual and have this mentality that everyone should be given a P/C (cos they wanna make this stupid course seemingly hard) +60% of ur marks are class marks...finals can't really change ur destiny unless u fail that.
If u died in MGMT1001, not a good idea to do MARK1012. If ur an eloquent, blond haired, talkative and highly opinionated fella/debater. Prolly gonna end up ur favourite subject...u could even limit the risk by coordinating ur entire class into Law students. Should seriously rally all ur friends into ur class as taht gives u a confidence boost during presentation. Quiz marking/class mark determination is also really subjective...Marking scheme makes no sense (for a question out of 4 ->if student writes this...1.5, if he does this 0.5...the other 2 marks?!?! no idea)
Another weird issue with the quizzes was that u could easily jig a quiz and do it in 2 weeks provided u had a reason?! lik wtf half the class ended up going on a jewish holiday and did it 3 weeks later...when everyone got their marked quizzes back.

EASE: 9/10 contents easy/boring...just have to memorise loads of useless information(preferably entire textbook/lecture notes lik yeah wtf) and quizzes can sometimes ask the most random crap. Marketing concepts are really supid and gay Dogs,Question marks,stars, wtf subject for fags. Loads of acronyms.
LECTURER:1/10 heaviest indian accent out there this mohammad rozzaque. His a lazy fag who doesnt reply on ANY emails -> diverts u to this discussion board which he rarely replies to as well (and when he does its a one worded reply: Yes/No/Maybe). His final was just copy and pasted from this previous final that he distributed to everyone weeks b4. Tutor was indian as well...guest speakers in lectures were indian...everyone in charge of marketing was indian...youtube videos shown were indian...started reading my own textbook with in indian accent in my head fml. His really careless as well - gave us answers that completely mismatched past papers
INTEREST: 2/10 never again in my life

EASE:6/10 some concepts pretty hard but interesting
LECTURER: Kyung 8/10, Humperies 6/10 (he seems like a genius tho)

EASE:3/10 hardest final out there -> everything else was similar to 1131(ie relatively easy)
LECTURER: 9/10 forgot who they were but they were really passionate bout maths
INTEREST: 6/10 did 4U but absolutely no interest
don't touch unless ur maths genius DO 1131 FOR A WAM BOOSTER!!!


How do they allocate the groups in this marketing subject?


Jun 18, 2016
Uni Grad
Ease: 8/10 love linked lists, double linked lists - my favorite
Lecturer: John Sheppard 8/10 - Damn does this guy smoke a bag of weed/hashish before every lecture he gives? He's very nice though.
Tutor: Some guy with glasses 5/10 - flamboyant nerd guy, knows his stuff quite well but very very annoying.
Overall: 9/10 I liked this better than COMP1917 simply because it's not recorded, and that it provides you to think like a Computer science student.

Ease: 8/10 for Calculus 4/10 for Alebgra
Lecturer: DOCTOR Bill Ellis (0/10). DOCTOR Bill Ellis, Shit lecturer - avoid this guy at all costs. Insists him that we must call him by that name (DR ELLIS)- is probably the most stuck up person I know on this planet. He yells at people who try and take a pic of the lecture slides (it's not even his lecture slides, he got it from some other lecturer (the legendary Chris Tisdell's lecture slides). And his actual lecturing style, just repeats word after word from the slides.
Chi Mak (8/10) - good lecturer, draws very cute birds and animates it to the class, which I like! He uploads the whole week's worth of lecturer every Friday.
Tutor: Peter Brown (10+/10) - very knowledgeable and most people on bos knows how good of a lecturer he really is.
forgot the other person (8/10) - good tutor, hands test papers but the same day if you go to her office.
Overall: 9/10 I liked the course, gives a good introduction to linear transformation (which I don't really like) that maybe useful for future studies for computer science

can't be bothered writing up my other course.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
Ease: 8/10 love linked lists, double linked lists - my favorite
Lecturer: John Sheppard 8/10 - Damn does this guy smoke a bag of weed/hashish before every lecture he gives? He's very nice though.
Tutor: Some guy with glasses 5/10 - flamboyant nerd guy, knows his stuff quite well but very very annoying.
Overall: 9/10 I liked this better than COMP1917 simply because it's not recorded, and that it provides you to think like a Computer science student.

Ease: 8/10 for Calculus 4/10 for Alebgra
Lecturer: DOCTOR Bill Ellis (0/10). DOCTOR Bill Ellis, Shit lecturer - avoid this guy at all costs. Insists him that we must call him by that name (DR ELLIS)- is probably the most stuck up person I know on this planet. He yells at people who try and take a pic of the lecture slides (it's not even his lecture slides, he got it from some other lecturer (the legendary Chris Tisdell's lecture slides). And his actual lecturing style, just repeats word after word from the slides.
Chi Mak (8/10) - good lecturer, draws very cute birds and animates it to the class, which I like! He uploads the whole week's worth of lecturer every Friday.
Tutor: Peter Brown (10+/10) - very knowledgeable and most people on bos knows how good of a lecturer he really is.
forgot the other person (8/10) - good tutor, hands test papers but the same day if you go to her office.
Overall: 9/10 I liked the course, gives a good introduction to linear transformation (which I don't really like) that maybe useful for future studies for computer science

can't be bothered writing up my other course.
Yeah he's like a GOD, don't take him for granted.
I've also heard bad things about Ellis, like during tutes he would scream at people who got an answer wrong, you wonder why people don't bother to answer.


Sep 18, 2016
Yeah he's like a GOD, don't take him for granted.
I've also heard bad things about Ellis, like during tutes he would scream at people who got an answer wrong, you wonder why people don't bother to answer.
It's recommended, by professionals, that you take pictures of the lecture slides with your phones during his lectures. They are not recorded.


Jun 18, 2016
Uni Grad
It's recommended, by professionals, that you take pictures of the lecture slides with your phones during his lectures. They are not recorded.
Most courses at UNSW are recorded, however the shithouse lecturer (talking about Ellis) writes using the overhead projector, and the recording doesn't pick that up.

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