ahhaha do you reckon that you end up feeling stupid and incompetent when yo ustudy law . cus everyone's just so KABOOM AWESOME ?
Yes, sometimes. No matter how hard you work there is usually someone who works harder. Especially in your first year even those who really enjoy/are good at that sort of thing get shot down, its hard, it tests your dedication, resilience, patience, intelligence, confidence...
ahahah and how intense is the study ?
*You have to read 100+ pages per law subject, per week at least once (in your first year you might have to read things again to understand.
* The amount of time it takes is up to you, you read slower when you are first getting the hang of the language of law and thus it really depends, but expec it to take less time in second year.
how many hours of study do you reckon you need to put to say get a distinction avg ? is that reallllllly hard ?
*Depends on how long it takes you to do the readings, go to class, do the assignments which varies heaps depending on the person.
*Usually, someone who does arts law has 14hrs or so of class a week (roughly)
*Assignments for law can be between 700-4000word (the higher word limits come later in the degree) don't think though that a 1500 word assignment is easy, usually means they expect you to fit what you need 2000 word + for in that amount of words.
* Law assignments can almost never be done the night before, well if you want a good mark
and just , do you guys enjoy studying law ?
I do and I don't, really I prefer working to uni. I am at the stage where I am well and truly over study, but that is the result of going straight from high school and being in my forth year. I do enjoy it though but in my experience the only people who enjoy law are those who are actually interested in it (rather than those thee for money or prestige) and who have an aptitude for it.
and what type of people do you find does well in their law studies. and later on in their law careers?
In my experience the only people who enjoy law are those who are actually interested in it (rather than those thee for money or prestige) and who have an aptitude for it. I cannot stress this enough!
and for women do you reckon its hard being a lawyer? in terms of the long stressful hours. little flexibility . and juggling that with being a mother and having a family ?
Most big firms have some form of paid maternity leave, paternity leave and subsidised childcare. I don't imagine its easy but many do it. It all depends though on if you want you want out of both your career and family life.
say if you worked at a big law firm, so say mid-tier or top-tier, do you reckon yo ucould somehow work out a more balanced career with the firm, or maybe even do part-time.
I'm not sure how well this would work, it really depends but if you really want control over how much you work, you should aim to be a barrister, they can work as much or as little as they need as they work for themselves. They determine their own work life balance (I have seen this with my bosses).
hahaah sorry for all the qns. i just want to know what law is liek realistically, aside from all the prestige, just how achievable is it ?
I don't know what you mean?
In terms of getting in:
*It depends where and how dedicated you are, straight in you can do it with 90ish for UWS, less at UNE if you get a recommendation.
*Transfer, depends on the marks you get in first year. I do know people though with UAI's of less than 80 who are in UWS law who go in based on work experience/previous tertiary record.
*waiting to do grad law - this means you have to complete a whole degree
Getting the degree
*Well P spells degree, you can get it with a pass average, this may affect career options. Getting P's is also slightly harder in law then in arts (in my experience)
* C+ average means hard work
Getting the job you want
*This requires good grades, work experience and good extra curiculars
*also depends on the job you want, if you want to be partner, obviously this requires more hours!
Best of luck, not trying to scare you, just being realistic and honest. This is all based on my experience that may be different to others!