Asian schools would get you higher marks and more inspiration!
The partial reason I choose UNSW over USYD was thanks to u guys who said that hot aussie chicks would be at USYD and Asian people dominate UNSW. I'm an asian girl and indeed have been to a "hot aussie chicks" dominated school and 4 years later, a "asian smart girl" school... and I can tell you now, I had life in hell in the former as many of those girls were bitchy, dumb, up themselves and very egotistical. Many of them were mean, backstabbing, pretty yet couldnt get enought of themsleves in the mirror, and changed their pencil case more than they did for their books or homework. Many of them turned out to drop high school and even failed at tafe... I'm not making this up either. I'm not saying girls at USYD owuld be entirely like this (i met a 1-2 nice and smart aussie girls yes), but Ive went to USYD campus a few times and it looks very eerie like my former school. ( not that those girls could reach such a prestigious school anyway)
The smart asian girls school that I went to after 4 years of racist hell at the former school, turned out to be very motivational, inspiring and competitive. The asian girls mostly held a load of textbooks in their hand, obessed over which extension course to go to, obsessed over UAIs and Exams rather than Boys, makeup and themselves ( well to an extend anyway hhaha we are still girls) All of them ended up with UAIs from 80 to as high as 99. Now what I'm trying to say would be very clear to me...may be offensive to others...but honestly mang of the guys asking this question wouldnt care what the girls are like anyway lol, youre more interested what they look and smell like... (don't contradict me on this, I have more goddam sources!)
I thank my decision to have chosen the asian school for me sucess in getting that high UAI I wanted.
Seriously guys, I don't want to stereotype, but thats clearly that way it was in my situation. The chances of having better intellectual influences and friendly conversations would definetly be risen when you go to an asian dominated school!
wasnt that a greatly put speech hahaha.