LOL just saw Shadocunt's post about being "elitist".
-That is the reason you have no girlfriend.
-That is the reason you will never have a girlfriend.
-That is the reason girls will never be interested in you. (aww I'm kidding

It is because you are an ugly cunt)
-But that is the reason you'll never get laid (well your looks play a role in that, but your attitude will not help you pick up either)
You are certainly one miserable cunt that cannot interact with the opposite sex and posts exaggerated stories about conversations with girls that most likely consisted of 2 akward sentences or so then silence, but you come on here and talk about how you can "talk" to girls and how you will get a girl "someday". Utterly pathetic mate. Why don't you grow a pair instead of coming here pretending to be some big shit and putting people down when you yourself are a leech to society? What have you done with your life to warrant such pathetic behaviour? What gives you the right to say someone shouldn't be doing a degree based on their ATAR? Only pathetic cunts like you still cling onto that after high school. Hell if ATAR was an indication of intelligence I'd consider you smart, but even though you got 90+ that doesn't change the fact that you are a brain dead idiot. I'd tell you to get sterilised so you can do the world a favor, but that is not necessary.
You can brag all you want about going to UNSW, that's good for you but you won't be getting anywhere by doing that all day.