Sort of an old thread.. but suprised I've kept my nose out of it!
brogan77 said:
Last vac period:
E&Y; Deloitte: $26/hr
KPMG: $24.50/hr
PWC: $22.xx/hr
9% compulsory super inclusive.
Lol.. if I were a vac last year I would be annoyed.. with 2007 intake rates in mind..
Conspirocy said:
A 'trained graduate'? What exactly do you think that means? A trained graduate at a Big 4 firm, knows how to use their systems and procedures, how to fill in their time sheets, how to deal with the independance policy, and the firms marketing etc. The firm is not adding value to you that you can take with you. They teach you how to operate in their business model, if you ever left a lot of your training is irrelevant. Not to say that some of it isn't. You will however pick up bits and pieces working in your particular area - is that really training?
I understand what you mean.. obviously the administrative differences will hardly follow through..
Wouldn't know what a VAC program is like but for long-term work there's lots of room to undertake industry training courses and skill-based training courses in addition to role-specific training... eg. Intensive courses on retail banking, microsoft powerpoint in addition to the stuff you'd expect like audit/tax training.
Conspirocy said:
Actually, I'm being unfair about UWS. There was one peson from UWS at the firm I worked at, they were actually pretty good.
What's with the attitude against UWS folk? :-/
havy said:
are you referring to the grad offer after the internship ? does it mean if you sign the grad offer then you are not allowed to apply for any grad jobs at another place?
Again, not sure about VAC.. but for traineeships the entrapment that I believe con is describing is a contract thats signed after the initial 2 years (assuming you did a 2+2 program).. the contract in a nutshell entitles you to a study allowance while you do uni full-time, on the premise that you return to work as a grad.
If you don't accept the study grant then you have no obligation to return to work as a grad.
If you accept the grant then change your mind, you simply have to pay it back upon breaking your contract.
The grad offer is a seperate contract thats only written up around the time you'd be starting your grad job.