I'm doing 2 coleridge poems and i was going to also choose a poem from the stimulus booklet... is this a BAD idea??? Neither of my supps are poetry though
I'm also doing Coleridge and had chosen to do "The Road Not taken" from the stimulus booklet. In my trial I got marked down for choosing POETRY against POETRY. So I rang the HSC Advice line and asked the woman about whether we are to choose differing text types. She asked me what I had chosen to do and I said how I had Coleridges POETRY up against the stimulus POETRY. She said to change my stimuls, as you are not allowed to have POETRY against POETRY or FILM against FILM etc... Just thought I would let you all know.
apparently my compulsory text is a film and I also chose a film for my supps, ohh wells though my other related materials are different, historical text, novel, poem XD roflmao