in the vce they put up sample exam covers on their website prior to the exams, but this year some of them contained hidden content very similar to the actual questions in their exams.
some students were able to extract this content prior to the exam and whether or not this gave them a real advantage, there is a perception that it did, and so there is quite a furore going on at the moment in victoria about all this
for example
in summary, they were able to download the covers, copy-paste invisible text revealing the hidden questions prior to the exams
some students were able to extract this content prior to the exam and whether or not this gave them a real advantage, there is a perception that it did, and so there is quite a furore going on at the moment in victoria about all this
for example
Copy, paste: What we know about the VCE exam fiasco
Thousands of VCE students could have taken their exams with a hidden advantage over their peers, after some questions were accidentally revealed online in advance.
in summary, they were able to download the covers, copy-paste invisible text revealing the hidden questions prior to the exams