Hey guys,
Aspire program is an elite leadership program
individually hand picked from the list of scholars in UWS. You could have a scholarship etc but its only the chosen few who will get into ASPIRE. I know heaps of UWS scholars who didnt make it into ASPIRE.
To get into ASPIRE:
- ATAR of 90 and above
- applied/received a scholarship and succeeded
-Very strong ( and I mean this ) community involvement and leadership
As for the intake, in my year..I think 30-33 students were accepted into ASPIRE . Some were interviewed by a panel, others interviewed by the scholarship coordinator , otheres received it breezly because of other means such as receiving The Most Outstanding year 11 scholarship-accepted the Academic Excellence scholarship offer then received a very high UAI/ATAR and showed strong involvement in the community that the university took notice...
In short, I cant give you guys a clear cut answers because all of us, The ASPIRIANS( as we are called now) , have got in through various means. But we have common denominators such as : 90 above ATAR, current recipient of a UWS scholarship, very strong proof of community involvement..
I apologise
Most interviews occur around 28-29 of Jan.( I checked it online)...
wish you all the best