No they didn't. The UN has never dealt with Hezbollah about this issue in any way/shape or form. Hezbollah wants Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian prisoners released. That has been promised from israel since 1988. They always promise to release these prisoners and then, postpone or lie or find another way to put the agreements aside. (Much like what is happening to the sufferers of Asbestos in Sydney).
If anyone was acting fairly it was this 'militia', who tried to gain an upper hand in the agreement to help free their friends and family. However, it back fired on them... now Israel repeatedly drops bombs on their asses instead of making the negotiations which are due.
Only an idiot would support Israel now.... here is what one American idiot said in another forum...
"I support the Israelis jus like us they neva lev a man behind. thats why they are doing all this against the terrorists"...
I shot back exclaiming...
"Why do you think Hezbollah kidnapped those two men anyway?"
He Replied
"Because they think the deserve palestine but their wrong"
I then said
"You're an Idiot... They only Kidnapped those two men so they could initiate discussions to get back their family and relative, yet you only comment Israel who have all the weapons and technology for not leaving a man behind. When Hezbollah do the same thing they're classes as terrorists"...
he then regurgitated some more imperialistic "we are the last super power crap".
I reminded him, that it's not about the Hezbollah, that we did not support them fully, or partially. But, we understand why they act the way they do... we just want all this to stop... Lebanon only wants freedom and nothing more. Israel has deprived Lebanon of freedmon once again. And destroyed her Infrastructure and Tourism. (which has taken decades to rebuild)