Pair of black skinnies (but they're a half-size too big so they're not as huggy and awesome looking as they could be)
Long grey knit cardigan/coat/thing which I love so much.
Guy's shirt, black and pink. Looks a bit too flanno now that I think about it =/
Some shit off ebay (a pink ruffly sort of skirt and a white tshirt with stripes and stuff).
Also I have recently acquired an awesome black and silver scarf which looks a bit silly on as an actual scarf but is so prettay that I am thinking of new ways of wearing it, eg belt/sash.
Roy Orbison-looking sunnies
And another scarf, purple one. And looking for more on ebay >_>
Want new boots muchly, and to get the heel on my black stiletto boots fixed (the little end thingie came off one of them so I click with every second step and it sounds retarculous). Also wouldn't mind finding a decent pair of flats but nothing seems to work, dang nabbit. Born to wear heels I suppose haha

Also! In love with Baldessarini by Hugo Boss, om nom nom.