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What do employers think of UWS? (4 Viewers)

Jonathan A

Active Member
Aug 20, 2004
Inner West
Regardless of what uni I go to, I enjoy my work as a Clerk/Research Assistant in a law firm. I have been exposed to many duties, apart from the errands:
-Research for precedents
-Research certain procedures (e.g. application under Proceeds of Crimes Act)
-Serving official documents (e.g. Affidavits)
-Assist in the preparation of Court of Appeal submissions
-Attend court with counsel
-Prepare a brief to advise and appear.

Just last week, I put together a brief for a barrister and also commented on the evidence. All in all, regardless of your university, experience is the goal and my advantage of being in a smaller law firm is working in many areas: e.g. commercial; insurance; criminal; Conveyancing Section 52 disputes. IN addition, my boss has a very good reputation.

Jonathan A

Active Member
Aug 20, 2004
Inner West
LaraB said:
hehe nah - coz i'm working for a specific division - criminal appeals - so i do more specific stuff..

basically its paralegal-ish type work rather than like....filing n running errands n all that n coz im a uni student n they know i'm considering working for legal aid when i eventually graduate lol they're letting me go 2 court with them for a couple of days but i'll still be being paid as if i was in the offices working :)

Congrats Lara, job sounds great and you are well-deserving of it too!


hYperTrOphY said:
That's awesome.
If you are planning to do criminal law when you graduate, are you more interested in prosecution or Legal Aid?

actually - not really considering criminal law as my 'top option'... interested in legal aid work more than criminal law specifically...

kinda just took the job since it was more or less handed to me lol and coz the experience will be good and may either point me more towards or away from criminal law... plus chlidren/family law are in the offices next door and civil and criminal trial are downstairs so will be able to have a look at all of them...

probably more going to head into specifically kids/family or enterprise 'criminal' as copmared to your average murdering/assaulting/raping individual citizen criminal lol

took teh job more or less coz even though its likely i won't do crim law - as my 'boss' said - if you work for em at like, 1st year level - you're likely to get a similar/same job for the next few years coz they know you and they don't recruit through agencies anymore - mainly word of mouth... plus - they are more likely to accept you for PLT stuff and onwards if you've worked for em before... so if i do go into kids or even civil stuff they said that coz i've done work with one of the divisions, they're more likely to consider you in the others:) so i can't lose really lol:p


Active Member
Feb 8, 2004
...at Pyrmont
sigh..it comes to that time of year again....
look, thos eof you who dont like us, then dont post your opinions here, this sub forum is here for thsoe hscers to ask their questiosn about UWS and for UWS students and those who can provide helpful input for their questions, so please stop posting nonsense of those who think htey are above UWS.

thank you.


Jul 25, 2004
The Hills
Jonathan A said:
Regardless of what uni I go to, I enjoy my work as a Clerk/Research Assistant in a law firm.........
When do u work there...like how many hrs or days a week?

I'd like to do something like that but looking at my timetable say for nxt semester I'd have like 1.. maybe 1.5 day to spare (that's if I didn't do my current job which is like an office job so not open w/e or night) and would that be enuf for them to like employ u?
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Jonathan A

Active Member
Aug 20, 2004
Inner West
Depends. In semester, I work about one day a week. Outside I work around 2-3 days a week (need my break). I have been working a little extra because of this massive of Civil Law case which is taking forever to close.


Angel45 said:
When do u work there...like how many hrs or days a week?

I'd like to do something like that but looking at my timetable say for nxt semester I'd have like 1.. maybe 1.5 day to spare (that's if I didn't do my current job which is like an office job so not open w/e or night) and would that be enuf for them to like employ u?
that's why i'm just working in summer ...s ince i don't need the money during the semester.. but i think even if i didn't get the scholarships n needed the money - i'djust work my ass off out of semester to get e nough money for throughout the year n keep tutroing hsc kids coz that's just a few hrs a week cos i have enough problems not doing my work as it is lol...

just as a side point, my boss said this whole idea that employers look for peopel who've worked during the year, including the semester, over those who didn't work during semester IS A MYTH!

he more or less said - students have convinced themselves of that and that employers totally understand that some peole don't want to are can't coz of timetabling, work during semester but if you work outside semester that's viewed as just a valuable skill coz you're able to dedicate yourself to it more completely... that is - if you get good marks:) coz i mean, if you do nothing but uni during semester but still get only P's n C's they may view you differntly, but if you don't work and get D's n HD"s he says they'd understand your decision to concerntrate on uni so yeah.. you aren't necessarily a more deisreable employee in future just coz you worked during uni:)


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
My boss says differently, the reason they take into account people working (not necessarily in law) is because there are some students who simply do nothing but study and they should not be given more of an opportunity because of their marks than someone who lived a life at uni and perhaps got lesser marks because of it.


Not-That-Bright said:
My boss says differently, the reason they take into account people working (not necessarily in law) is because there are some students who simply do nothing but study and they should not be given more of an opportunity because of their marks than someone who lived a life at uni and perhaps got lesser marks because of it.
yeh but at the same time - it isn't automatic... as i already said - they don't necessarily plac eyou higher just because you worked.. but if you get P's whilst working they'll view someone who didn't work and got HD"s more highly..

it probably is differnt for stuff like law and those crazy science courses that friends do at usyd where you have more hours per unit at uni than other courses, more reading, more extensive assignments and arguably 'harder' work.. so less people tend to be able to work a steady job more than like, 1 day a week, throughout semester than other courses...

but again - as i said - if you work outside semester - it counts for just as much as if you work during semester its not like one's 'better' than the others... plus - if you just work at macca's or something during semester, an employer may not see it as as 'valuable' as if you didn't work during semester but outside semester worked for a law firm or accounting firm or as a HR officer or whatever your area of study is.


Oct 14, 2004
Does Science at UWS carry the same crappy perception with it like Law at UWS does? Or is Science at UWS safe?


natstar said:
You should ask your boss, what they think of UWS law grads, kinda set some records straight
lol he thinks highly of them!

i mean - i'm a first year student and i still got the job... he said usually they'd only give it to people further in... but he knew that we'd be good students coz his friend is a lecturer at uws - my link to ihm and the job lol:)

and he said he knows that if she says uws law students are good quality, he knows they are...

from the sounds of it - they don't give a shit about this prestige crap.. although that may partly be because its legal aid and they're not after people who wanna earn 6 figure salaries at the expense of less fortunate people so half of the more prestigious uni's students wouldn't be hired lol:p

but yeh - i mean, that aside - they are THE government legal body so they can't be hiring dodgy shit people coz they'll cop a heap of crap for it so if they're hiring uws students of course they don't think they're any lesser than any other uni!

i mean... he was whinging about a past employee from a non-uws uni - won't say who:p but he was hired for the same job as i have a few years back and was almost illiterate! his response was more or less how the crap did you pass uni if you can't spell!!! (nb - the guy mispelt "Australia" :rolleyes: )

so yeah - they certainly don't think any less of uws law students/grads - so that's another place to add toe Heazlewoods Bushby International Lawyers, St James Hall Barristers Chambers including QC's , a whole heap of solicitor's offices i've been at on various work experiences... family friends who are qualified legal professionals working in criminal, workers comp, tort, medical malpractice...

i mean... far out! people need to get over this bullshit uni-bashing they give uws...particularly law students - because obviously, QUALIFIED professionals who ACTUALLY know what they're on about rather than just spitting out bullshit crap hire UWS students in front of others.. its not like they're pickin a last resort or anything! they want to hire them!:)


Nebuchanezzar said:
Does Science at UWS carry the same crappy perception with it like Law at UWS does? Or is Science at UWS safe?
depends what course you're after... but i mean... 2 things...

1 - who cares - you shouldn't be picking uni based on other's perception as this perception is largely generated by other unis' students and doesn't mean shit in teh end really..

2 - science isn't like law in the way in which it's competitive to get jobs and all that 'old boys' mentality bullshit and the blatant prejudice against anyone who isn't white and male etc in some firms....

that said - i work for a Gifted and talented education company - all the employees have multiple uni degrees, do research work and teach currently/used to teach in a school.. tehy're all really smart really successful people...

i met one guy at the last weekend - got his PhD in Robotics or something like it -= can't remember the exact name - he has endless degrees... got em from usyd, oxford, one of the american unis, unsw, but CHOSE to do his PhD at UWS because he said in his view it was THE BEST uni for that area of science and since he's been to unis internationally that's a pretty big compliment:)

so i mean... it depends on what you wanna do for a course and what you wanna do with it - ie what job - but its not like you're not gonna get hired just coz you went to uws:p


Not-That-Bright said:
Where would your boss rather send his own kid? Unsw, Usyd, Uws, etc etc where? Talk is cheap.
what the hell is your problem?

anytime anyone says anything good about uws, particularly law students, you find some reason to try cut it down...

you're a uws student which makes it even weirder

just get over it - we get it - you don't respect uws law grads

you should just go post with the other idiots in the unsw n usyd threads because it's pointless in here...

fine - you say talk is cheap? when it gets me a job over other more qualifed students from city unis TWICE in a year then its far from talk and i really couldn't care less since i'm getting 'their' jobs


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
I respect uws law graduates... I go to uws law, I just want the truth I don't want any sugar-coated BS. Do you think your employer would send his son to UWS? If not, why?


Not-That-Bright said:
I respect uws law graduates... I go to uws law, I just want the truth I don't want any sugar-coated BS. Do you think your employer would send his son to UWS? If not, why?
and why is it that people with responses like yours assume that if its about a uni other than unsw or usyd it must! be sugarcoated bs?....

thats a stupid question to ask because (a) i dont' even know if he has a son and (b) even if i did - thats a pointless question as he wouldn't 'send' his son anywhere because its up to the studnte, a 2nd because he would probably go the best uni for him

it has nothing to dow ith what i think of UWS.

i'm not stupid enough to claim that its the best uni for everyone.

if i wanted to do poliical studies or internation studies as well, no way in hell would i have gone to uws even with the scholarships, if i wanted to do anything history related, no way would i have gone to uws..

but i didn't, so uws was the best for me...

whether you think a uni is good has nothing to do with whether you think it would be a good one for yourself or your child.... its the same as with schools and businsess.... i mean.. i think my school was awesome and did heaps for me but if i had a kid going into hs tomorrow no way in hell would i send them there....

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