Why thank you very much Krisk85
How did your appointment go? Are you in?
You probably enrolled into Randwick on the proper enrollment date aye?
Coz to my knowledge, that date has already passed for me. Yet, I'm still going to call them up and ask if I could repeat the HSC there.
Does Randwick TAFE really have an 'only Year 12' course for one year? If so, that's good! I've been to the Ultimo HSC information session, and I've been told that you'd have to do both Prelim and HSC in the one year and not one or the other.
Well. I've finally seen the Late Round offers, and unfortunately I didn't get any. So repeating the HSC looks good (whether at TAFE or at another high school) OR doing a course at TAFE.
BTW, krisk85, what Uni course do you want to get into? Why are you repeating?
Anyway, cheers for the help.