TurboTom said:
its involves so much philosophy!
and you gotta learn a period of history as well. we do kennedy
its like two units its fucken hard
you're an idiot, that's why its hard.
it must be noted that thomas spends time bitching and whinging about how the world could be so much better and that bias is a figment of our imagination..... that and picking on sarah for all her whinging and the way she makes us believe we actually have a chance to beat her.... and we never do.
1. What type of things do they ask you in the exam?
two essays. one on the case study (period in history according to thomas, which is not quite correct. the case study relates to an issue, event or personality in history that contains noteable amounts of debate on right or wrong) and one on historiography (the philosophy of history)
2. how long must the major project be?
less than or equal to 2750 words for the essay itself (if your teacher allows for the +10%... otherwise its 2500)
600 for the bibliographical evaluation
300 for the synopsis
'unlimited' for the process log (you wont need much space)
and 'unlimited' for the biliography (includes footnotes)
3. Do they give you a topic or is it like "go and research n back up with historgraphy"?
oh you get told what to do. our class was given a 'choice' of sorts, but our teacher ensured we all picked the same thing. either that he told us that the majority decided on JFK because he didnt like the other options... whichever.
the course is thorough, but extremely interesting. despite the noteable paper war you will have to endure and the reading and understanding you will have to do (as far as the case study is concerned this means reading 'facts' and comparing them with how the 'facts' are represented in other texts. in the historigraphy component, its philosophy).
like history? critical thinker? enjoy politics? enjoy thinking generally? enjoy being able to say i do an extension subject? have a lot of pride (or confidence even) in your own ability? if so, this course really is for you.
its not hard. tom lies a lot. (EDIT: he's also an idiot)