I personally think taking their virginity is the most selfish thing you can do for your GF/BF. I know that i want my Wife to be a virgin when i marry her, and i will abstain as well. as far as i understand and have heard, everyone remembers their first time(and i think if you cant because their has been so many different partners there are bigger issues). and so wouldnt it be great if your first time was with a life long partner. I for one struggle in abstaining because it is hard, i mean its pretty easy to lose your vrginity, just go and do it, alot of people will be more than happy to have sex, just look in the right places. So why not have your first time with someone who you have commited to. A women finds Sex more pleasurable when she feels secure in a relationship, if you differ then i tell you a BF GF relationship in todays society is obviously not secure. And a man finds sex more stimulating when the women enjoys it more(get my meaning?). what does that then lead to? have sex with your girlfriend who you will break up with, most people think they will stay together forever and get married later in life, my question, if youre going to stay together forever why not get married? oh woops, doubt seeps in and your nice words fade away. then some time down the track you brake up, go your seperate ways, and sorry for my cinicism, they become someone who is left in that time, you drift apart, and all the "good time" seems so worthless, just something you did back then.
I for one would like to abstain till marriage and never divorce, that preciousness and security and lasting love wont be lost on me.
thats what i know to be true. anyone agree?