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What is so good about being a virgin? (1 Viewer)


Aug 12, 2005
ElGronko said:
Can one of you virgins please clearly state why you think it should be saved until after marriage? And saying "waiting for the right person" doesn't justify waiting for marriage, that justifies waiting for the right person.

And saying "it would be romantic" is redundant and immature.

Someone give me a logical and rational reason to wait till after marriage for sex.
I'm a virgin, and I'll remain a virgin til my wedding night. This is because I only want to sleep with someone I am committed to, who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. I'm not only saving the act of sex until marriage - I am also saving other forms of physical intimacy (eg making out heaps, being naked with each other, sharing a bed, etc...), and also the intense emotional intimacy and vulnerability that is part of a committed loving sexual relationship. I only want to have that with one person – the person that I set up a family with. I think that relationship will be more fulfilling and intimate if i havent had it with anyone else.

You might think that's stupid or 'irrational' or that i can't 'explain why i believe what i believe' but these are my beliefs, and aren't I entitled to have them? Truth be told, I don't understand wanting to have sex with lots of people. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just showing that I don't understand your beliefs, just as much as you don't understand mine.

why do virgins have to outline their decision-making process to explain themselves to anyone? You seem to be saying "I'm not a virgin, so one of you virgins convince me that I'm wrong." That's dumb, I'm not going to convince you. And I'm not trying to. I'm just trying to explain my reasons, because I'm assuming that you seriously want to know. (if you're just up for a debate, then dont bother replying, cos im not...)

My beliefs are grounded in spirituality – I’m a committed Christian and that is a really important part of my life. I can’t separate my virginity from my Christianity because my spiritual beliefs are entwined in everything I do. As far as rational reasons for my religious beliefs go, that would be a discussion for a different thread, so I won’t get into a religious debate.

To answer the original question, the OP asked what was so special about being a virgin. To me, being a virgin is special because I only want to have that kind of intimacy with one person. Therefore, I am saving sex for my husband. But that doesn’t mean I’m judging you. It’s your body. Do what you like.
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Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
I love Buttercup's post :)
And her name..... Princess Bride = best film ever :)


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
Starcraftmazter said:
I don't think the church is all that relevant in regards to this. Like atheists say, you don't need to be religious to have morals.
How many atheists do you know who believe that? I sure as hell don't. You know why? Because:
a) Sex is fun
b) It's really not that big a deal


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Riet said:
How many atheists do you know who believe that? I sure as hell don't. You know why? Because:
a) Sex is fun
b) It's really not that big a deal
a) I assume so
b) Its not that big a deal to you.
Also , i was thinking just cause u dont sleep around lots , maybe your partner has. Effectively sharing residue with a large number of people... i heard it stays for 7 years. And if you use a particular form of contraception that lots of people whill jump in and say shoudl be used.... those things break alot and ive heard they arent the best option anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2008
Now I think we have to be proud of being a virgin at one stage in our life, because who the hell has sex when they're first born!!!!!!!:wave::santa: :eek: :bomb: :rofl:


New Member
Mar 6, 2007
Emily. said:
marriage is a piece of paper. its lost all meaning these days. people getting married, people getting divorced. in my opinion, people should only marry people who they are truly in love with, who they envisage spending the rest of their life with, that they can completely devote themselves too and would never want to have sex with a different person ever again

"to have an to hold, through sickness and in health" yada yada yada

im not saying i dont believe in divorce, i just think people rush into marriage too quickly these days. and these marriages mean little more than a piece of paper.
here's my answer to the question: its good to be a virgin because you don't get used for sex, you're only with someone who respects you (ie. respects your decision to save sex), you don't have to worry about pregnancies/stds, there aren't other people walking around out there who know about that very intimate part of you aaaaand, when you do finally have sex, the only person you've ever been with is ur husband. that has several benefits; you love and trust them, know they're not thinking about their last root while you're giving them your all and (i guess this is a personal thing here) if they aren't fantastic it doesn't matter coz you don't have anything to compare with and you can just love them and enjoy the sex.

also, i think a marriage would have more meaning if you're that devoted to somebody and you know that christians have a lower divorce rate than non-christians (no i am NOT a christian)

for some people its about purity. for some its just practical reasons. no its not because i can't get any; quite the opposite. its a struggle to remain a virgin. its hard and there is so much temptation. but you just have to know what you want and stick to it

ive never shouted my virginity from the rooftops; its something quite personal to me. my close friends know and i tell the guy im dating (so he knows the boundaries) but nobody else. i certainly don't think any less of anyone who has had sex; its all personal choice. same thing for defining if you're a virgin or not.


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
Hello, i am Tamika (How are ya?). I am a virgin and i am happy to stay that way when you consider that i am more protected from certain diseases while i stay this way.
And like Gloria i don't get none any ways :D
But seriously at the speed that kids get knocked up these days is stupid! Ever heard of contraception? I have a neighbour that just had a kid- she is 16! That kid won't disappear after a year.
So by staying a virgin i have less chance of getting infected with anything and with the abstinence i have no kids to look after when i want to travel the world.
Love ya choice either way.

Optimus Prime

Electric Beats
Jul 23, 2007
Wherevr sentient beings are being mistreated
*TRUE* said:
a) I assume so
b) Its not that big a deal to you.
Also , i was thinking just cause u dont sleep around lots , maybe your partner has. Effectively sharing residue with a large number of people... i heard it stays for 7 years. And if you use a particular form of contraception that lots of people whill jump in and say shoudl be used.... those things break alot and ive heard they arent the best option anyway.
1) Wtf residue are you talking about? Misinformed much? I dunno about you but I shower daily
2) That's why you don't sleep with random sluts in alleyways in King Cross
3) Condoms hardly ever break when used properly and are 99.x% effective at preventing disease and pregnancy.

Seriously stop now, you're ignorant about the facts and the subject in general. Its fine you believe whatever but you don't need to keep replying when you're uninformed.

evry1getscrewed said:
here's my answer to the question: its good to be a virgin because you don't get used for sex, you're only with someone who respects you (ie. respects your decision to save sex), you don't have to worry about pregnancies/stds, there aren't other people walking around out there who know about that very intimate part of you aaaaand, when you do finally have sex, the only person you've ever been with is ur husband. that has several benefits; you love and trust them, know they're not thinking about their last root while you're giving them your all and (i guess this is a personal thing here) if they aren't fantastic it doesn't matter coz you don't have anything to compare with and you can just love them and enjoy the sex.

also, i think a marriage would have more meaning if you're that devoted to somebody and you know that christians have a lower divorce rate than non-christians (no i am NOT a christian)
1. You need to get married to be respected? GO TEAM FEMINISM! Also, what's wrong about being used/using someone, for sex? That's what I meant when virgins think it's a big deal when it's really not.
2. that's why you choose people you can trust and/or use the right protection. And get tested regularly.
3. If you go shit in an English exam, you know you went shit, even though you can't compare it with the feeling of someone who has gone well. My first time, even though I didn't know any better, I knew it could be much better. And it can be. I'm sorry to say it but no matter how much you "love" someone, it won't make up for all inadequacies. Plenty of people have sexually unsatisfying marriages even though they love each other. Hell, there's even a TV show about it.

Also christians getting divorced less? That's just plain wrong. something like 90% of Australia associated with some religon and divorce rates have still been going up.
I find it odd how it's mostly girls who keep spouting on about love and respect. What the fuck happened to equality and the (original) feminist movement? If you think the only way a man can respect you is by putting a gold ring on your left third finger while you wear a white dress, that's pretty bloody pathetic.


Sep 30, 2004
Optimus Prime said:
1. You need to get married to be respected? GO TEAM FEMINISM! Also, what's wrong about being used/using someone, for sex? That's what I meant when virgins think it's a big deal when it's really not.
2. that's why you choose people you can trust and/or use the right protection. And get tested regularly.
3. If you go shit in an English exam, you know you went shit, even though you can't compare it with the feeling of someone who has gone well. My first time, even though I didn't know any better, I knew it could be much better. And it can be. I'm sorry to say it but no matter how much you "love" someone, it won't make up for all inadequacies. Plenty of people have sexually unsatisfying marriages even though they love each other. Hell, there's even a TV show about it.

Also christians getting divorced less? That's just plain wrong. something like 90% of Australia associated with some religon and divorce rates have still been going up.
I find it odd how it's mostly girls who keep spouting on about love and respect. What the fuck happened to equality and the (original) feminist movement? If you think the only way a man can respect you is by putting a gold ring on your left third finger while you wear a white dress, that's pretty bloody pathetic.
would you leave your partner because she wasn't performing well in the bedroom?

EDIT: I don't see how having pre-marital sex will make you a better sexual partner? THe majority of marriages where sex becomes unsatisfying is not because one person is a dud root, but because of problems of stress, intimacy etc
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Aug 15, 2006
Sydney, NSW
Riet said:
How many atheists do you know who believe that?
That's the general atheist's reply to the argument of, "religion is important for being a good citizen, etc - morals". If they don't have morals, the argument is win for the...religious person.

Morals may not matter to some...but to many or most they are important.

Optimus Prime said:
Also, what's wrong about being used/using someone, for sex? That's what I meant when virgins think it's a big deal when it's really not.
If they think it's a big deal, then to them, it clearly is.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
Schroedinger said:
Dude, that just reeks of sexual insecurity... Average partners over a lifetime are 8.
im only 20 and most people get married later in life like at 30 or whatever. if its already 5 by the end of their teen years it'd probably be like 10 or 15 by the time she hits 30. not my cup of tea


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Schroedinger said:
Dude, that just reeks of sexual insecurity... Average partners over a lifetime are 8.


As in steady people or sexual partners?

Optimus Prime

Electric Beats
Jul 23, 2007
Wherevr sentient beings are being mistreated
CharlieB said:
would you leave your partner because she wasn't performing well in the bedroom?

EDIT: I don't see how having pre-marital sex will make you a better sexual partner? THe majority of marriages where sex becomes unsatisfying is not because one person is a dud root, but because of problems of stress, intimacy etc
If she didn't improve, yes. It's 2/3s of a relationship. Practise makes you better at things it's that simple.

Starcraftmazter said:
That's the general atheist's reply to the argument of, "religion is important for being a good citizen, etc - morals". If they don't have morals, the argument is win for the...religious person.

Morals may not matter to some...but to many or most they are important.

If they think it's a big deal, then to them, it clearly is.
How is no sex till marraige an example of morality? Just because I have sex doesnt mean I kill people. I still have morals.

Yeh, to them it is. My whole point is they're wrong. Anyway, I said end thread stfu.
Aug 15, 2006
Sydney, NSW
Optimus Prime said:
How is no sex till marraige an example of morality? Just because I have sex doesnt mean I kill people. I still have morals.
Morality does not mean not killing people.

Optimus Prime said:
Yeh, to them it is. My whole point is they're wrong. Anyway, I said end thread stfu.
Make me?


Jul 13, 2007
hahahah this reminds me of a show where a guy says he has had sex with 60+ (as in count, not age) women.. I wonder what he counts as "sex"

and he's not even hot..

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