Reliability and accuracy
Generally speaking reliability is concerned with the consistency of results and accuracy is how correct measurements are. It is effect by scale of equipments, for example results would not be accurate because in some galvanometer and ammeter, the needle scale positions a little shift away from the zero line, this need to be carefully screw and adjust to zero mark for an accurate measurement. With Copper wires, because it is a very good conductors, the potential different between the metal is low, hence we can not measure accurately by the standard voltmeter. For a more reliable and accurate results, a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is needed to replace a voltmeter. However CRO has complex characteristic and can be function correctly if know how to use, hence learning how to operated CRO need time and effort to practice, in addition because copper produce less resistance there are minor change in temperature, thus a standard thermometer could not be sensitive enough to detect change in temperature. We would replace a digital thermometer like data logger to make an accuracy measurement, however this equipment is not available from practical room supply, data logger also expensive to buy and must obey safety procedure when operate them. For a results to be reliable make sure that all equipments must keep and constant and obey all the control procedure in each test to minimise the chance of getting inaccurate results. Always repeat the experiment and from these repeat each test, then average them out to gain more reliable results. With timing, because human reaction to trigger their muscle in their body may slow or fast, always use the index finger for accurate timing, and if possible for a greater accuracy, use atomic stop watch, or for cheaper option with three stop watch allow three members in a group to do timing, then get the average of the change in time, thus eliminated any accidentally read wrong value ok
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