First point, ok.
Second point, right. Good luck with that. I don't want to sound as if I'm f'ng with you mentally, but it is nigh-impossible for one to get a scholarship to Harvard. Merely getting a position when you're an overseas student is hard enough.
You have to be exceptional, which I don't doubt you aren't; you have to be extremely good.
Also, if you're going to Harvard to simply leech of their reputation, there's little chance you'll get accepted.
Everyone thinks they're so smart, etc., etc.

Competition, I see.
My motivation has changed to simply kick everyone's ass.
Also (reason here, one could say), my odium for my peers has indubitably increased as of late, for I feel that I am done much injustice and mistreatment. In addition to this, I have learnt that my grade apparently sucks, a "fact" for which I am deeply saddened and feel that indeed develop an echoing sentiment.
Moreover, I have learnt that my school (more likely, grade) will affect my UAI, scaling, and what-have-yous (though obviously not UMAT/LSAT), therefore Uni.
I just want to get into and do a fine (IMO) uni course (that I'm interested in), and then get a fine job, paying a substantial amount (for sure, enough for decent living - no shit).
This is my motivation, in a nutshell.