These fucking people, they continually make sweeping statements, and never back the shit up.
When in their two bit piece of paper they said that the SRC beat up students, I figured that their website would explain it. But this is the on;y explanation offered:
My Story
Andrew Quah
ISA Director for Student Health and Welfare
Chair of the Independent Students' Association
In 2006, I begin my fourth year at the University of Sydney, and my second as a student at USYD's main campus. Over the last few years, I have seen a lot from our so-called representatives. Some of the less serious things include wide-spread corruption, electoral fraud and diverted funds. What upsets me is where those funds are being diverted, and that when we speak out against this corruption my colleagues and I are viciously attacked. On more than one occasion, I have sustained long-term injury as a direct result of "action" taken by a representative of the SRC - and the worst part about it is that it's our student fees that are paying these people to do this to us.
Why do I fight the student associations? I fight them, because while students don't receive the services they pay for, our money is being sent overseas to support terrorist organisations like Falun Gong. I cannot sit back and allow my representatives, using my money and speaking on my behalf, to do this. And because I've spoken out, I have been severely beaten twice by gangs of students financially supported by the SRC, and I have seen my friends threatened for nothing more than being my friend. The violence has to stop, and the only way it's going to stop is by making you, the students, aware of it.
Real convincing.
Especially all those facts and details.
Fucking idiots, how do you expect to appear credible with that vague, unspecific bullshit?
Just trying to give you guys the heads up so as not to look like total gronks in the future.