My ex and I broke up last november, but I still love her, and the only advice I can give is don't talk to her for a while.. even though that hasn't really helped me, I think it helps most people.
Sometimes it's really hard to get over long relationships, or relationships where you stuffed up, and would do anything to go back and start again. I know that I'm suffering from both cases, and I'm just screwing myself over because I can't (and maybe deep down inside won't) get over my ex.
The last thing you want to do is go see her, because all it will do is make things worse.
Like genavania said, just don't talk for a while. In my case though, remembering why it ended is the reason why I can't get over her, so sometimes it doesn't always work, but from what my friends tell me, my case is pretty unusual, so you probably shouldn't listen to my advice.
goodluck buddy, hope I could help.