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What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school? (1 Viewer)



In Yr 9, we discovered the message function of the school network, and everyone proceeded to send each other obscene messages which would pop up on the computer screens as ALERT boxes.

Not content with the inconveniences of having to hold down one's finger while spamming mates/enemies/unknowns with messages, I whipped up a quick batch file which automated the process. It got sent around, and soon the network was bogged down with spam messages and people couldn't even get onto their work with literally 100s of messages needing to be clicked through.

Predictably, IT was pissed, and the whole year group was dragged into the hall for a lecture. They announced they were going to do a system-wide sweep of My Documents folders, stored on a couple of hard drives in the IT centre, for batch files, and would suspend those responsible for the spamming. As the year group shat its collective pants, I sat back in my chair, content with the fact that I had deleted everything the day before. Fuckwits who couldn't tell their arse from a batch file took the rap.


I sit here alone
Apr 6, 2005
littlewing69 said:
In Yr 9, we discovered the message function of the school network, and everyone proceeded to send each other obscene messages which would pop up on the computer screens as ALERT boxes.

Not content with the inconveniences of having to hold down one's finger while spamming mates/enemies/unknowns with messages, I whipped up a quick batch file which automated the process. It got sent around, and soon the network was bogged down with spam messages and people couldn't even get onto their work with literally 100s of messages needing to be clicked through.

Predictably, IT was pissed, and the whole year group was dragged into the hall for a lecture. They announced they were going to do a system-wide sweep of My Documents folders, stored on a couple of hard drives in the IT centre, for batch files, and would suspend those responsible for the spamming. As the year group shat its collective pants, I sat back in my chair, content with the fact that I had deleted everything the day before. Fuckwits who couldn't tell their arse from a batch file took the rap.
lol thats gold


paint huffing moron
Feb 4, 2004
gold coast
littlewing69 said:
In Yr 9, we discovered the message function of the school network, and everyone proceeded to send each other obscene messages which would pop up on the computer screens as ALERT boxes.

Not content with the inconveniences of having to hold down one's finger while spamming mates/enemies/unknowns with messages, I whipped up a quick batch file which automated the process. It got sent around, and soon the network was bogged down with spam messages and people couldn't even get onto their work with literally 100s of messages needing to be clicked through.

Predictably, IT was pissed, and the whole year group was dragged into the hall for a lecture. They announced they were going to do a system-wide sweep of My Documents folders, stored on a couple of hard drives in the IT centre, for batch files, and would suspend those responsible for the spamming. As the year group shat its collective pants, I sat back in my chair, content with the fact that I had deleted everything the day before. Fuckwits who couldn't tell their arse from a batch file took the rap.

haha oh fuck, that reminds me of something i did in year 12

our IPT class was in one building and there was an IT class in the building directly across and we had the classes at the same time, and we could always see our friends in the window lol. so one day i found this thing that sends messages to computers thru the network, i found out the computer number one of my mates was using and i sent a message to the computer saying "WINDOWS ERROR: USER PENIS TOO SMALL"... the funny part was that the teacher (who was like a lesbian nshit) was standing at the computer at the time helping with something! haha she got really embarrassed and every time she had to mention it she referred to it as "that message" lol

but yeah i so owned my mate, it was pure comedy gold lol.


While we are talking about computers...

In year 10 computing studies some computer nerd (not me, the guy changed schools shortly after this) managed to ensure that all the essential internet sites that people would visit on the school computer was replaced with porn. Google was never the same. The whole internet was blocked to us for a long time while the IT teachers tried to fix it.

No Problems

New Member
Oct 23, 2006
Inner West
not to brag or anything but ... all of your schools sound amazingly pussy. and i go to a bitch school.


Feel good ...
Jul 6, 2006
Hmm, the most trouble i've been ...probably being told to stop talking in class! i know, i'll never forgive myself.


Trainee Mȯderatȯr
Oct 14, 2006
Proably when was supposed to be watching some old video in English, and decided to watch a less than appropriate dvd instead. Teacher went mental, even ran, lol. Teacher gave us a lecture, and I talked myself out of getting into serious trouble.

Talking about a teacher, and realisng she was right behind me, whoop, lol. She didn't say anything, although never liked me after that.

Stabbing someone with some something sharp (can't remember what it was now), causing them to bleed a bit . Talked me way out of that, lol.

This one was really an accident. having a lit bunsen burner going, and on the table it two gas taps next to each other. I lifted the bunsen burner up and lent it in towards the taps, as was going to turn it off, and accidentally turned the wrong tap, turning on the other gas tap. As there was nothing connected to it, there was suddenly a large ball of flame, and as the teacher was there showing me how to do something, it sort of singed his eyebrow. only time I've ever heard a teacher say fuck.


Jan 18, 2006
Hmm... mine was kind of a gradual, snowballing effect.

- In-school suspension for breaking a door off a locker (wasn't my fault... long story)

- After-school detention for kicking a soccer ball in an out-of-bounds area... and hitting a junior school teacher in the head. I think that had more to do with it.

- Jumping through the window of my English classroom and running across a line of desks. I broke two desks and a chair.

- Telling the headmaster off for his "crap choices in policy".

And these were all this year. Whilst I was School Captain. Yeah... our principal loved me. My year had a bet on how long I would last before my badge was confiscated.
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Oct 15, 2006
Our class was playing with clay to build our own Art work. teacher went, and i started to chuck at it my friend. 20 mins later, the whole classroom was covered with clay. Sent to the principal's office as the ringleader :). Nearly lost my prefect's badge and nearly got suspended :)


Sep 29, 2006
i have a few .....

1. when i slapped a guy 3 times my size than he got his mate to punch him in the face to give him a black eye than went to the office and said i did it

2. Having an arguement with a teacher .... calling her a shit teacher and that no body likes her (being a total bitch) ... she began to have tears in her eyes so i walked away and as i walked out the door, the deputy principal was there, wooo, i almost got expelled :O ...

3. Had a stupid cow as a lab partner back in yr 9 and she had long hair, so i turned the bunsen burner on and burnt her hair, almost got suspended but cried my way out of it (not literally) ... lol

Soo yeh .... People still now tease me about "puching a guy 3 times my size and managing to give him a black eye" ... how i did that we will never no ....


Oct 30, 2005
I understand that some PROFESSIONAL graffitti artists do what they do for artistic expression...

But I have never understood the logic behind why people graffitti/ruin school property/etc. Don't they realise the money public schools get is coming out of ours/our parents' taxes? Bloody hell some people are stupid :(

No Problems

New Member
Oct 23, 2006
Inner West
A much higher portion of your hard earned tax also goes toward treating people in medical institutions with self inflicted infirmities such as excessive alcohol consumption and drug overdose, smoking related indispositions and many more. Every time you turn on your TV to indulge yourself you (indirectly, as the case may be) engender pollution, the negative effects of which are then accounted for by a percentage of the taxes for which you express such inestimable adoration.


Feb 23, 2003
i stole a guy's library card, then photoshopped his face onto a naked chick, then put them up around the school. ive done a lot of shit.


it ain't easy being white
Jun 30, 2006
Um...nothing big. At all. In Year 10 I wagged school for four days straight (so not smart, I know that now) and the school kind of found out...the deputies arranged for me to meet the school councellor, so I was pulled out of Science to go have a "talk" with her. Obviously she didn't find me mentally unstable or anything, cause there wasn't much to pick apart and she never made me go back.

OH! One time in Year 8, I had a really dumbass VA teacher. And yeah, I was kind of a bitch to her, but she totally brought that upon herslef. Basically, I hadn’t handed in my diary because…well, no excuse really, I just hadn’t finished the work. But I told her that I had done all and I just kept on forgetting to bring it. She didn’t believe me and threatened to send a letter home to my parents, because they’d be “very interested” to know that I wasn’t completing my assignments, and I stupidly went all, “Go ahead! My parents know I did the work! They’ve seen me working on it, so a letter isn’t going to do anything!” Needless to say, she sent the letter home. It specifically stated “Jacqueline seemed unconcerned at the prospect of me writing this letter”. My parents? Not too happy. Oh well. It was Year 8 Visual Arts, for fuck’s sake.

I called my English teacher a dickhead in year 9 (I was in tears, so it couldn’t have been misinterpreted as some comment made in jest) but nothing was done about it. Probably because he WAS acting like a dickhead, and he knew it :(

I've had a couple of detentions, but no suspensions. Yay, me!

Actually, the worst trouble I've been in at school wasn't actually at school, but on a school trip with our brother school to Europe in October. Um.....yeah. :eek: We were in Belgium one night, loving life, had about three hours to kill in this really pretty town...so a group of us ordered some Irish Coffees at this cafe. (We were of legal drinking age there.) For those who don't know, it's coffee with a shot of vodka or whiskey in it. One of my friends thought we were drunk (which was fucking ridiculous, but she is a bit sheltered and prudish, so....) and one of the guys on the trip who had it in for me talked her into telling the teachers. That night? Not so fun. At dinner, one of the Normo teachers pulled me aside and told me she "saw" us drinking alcohol, and I knew right then that my so-called friend had dobbed us in. Long story short, we got off relatively scott-free. I still haven't talked to the guy who convinced my friend to rat us in, but my friend and I made up about two days later (really awkward, considering we were sharing a hotel room). =/
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Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
Jachie said:
Um...nothing big. At all. In Year 10 I wagged school for four days straight (so not smart, I know that now) and the school kind of found out...the deputies arranged for me to meet the school councellor, so I was pulled out of Science to go have a "talk" with her. Obviously she didn't find me mentally unstable or anything, cause there wasn't much to pick apart and she never made me go back.

OH! One time in Year 8, I had a really dumbass VA teacher. And yeah, I was kind of a bitch to her, but she totally brought that upon herslef. Basically, I hadn’t handed in my diary because…well, no excuse really, I just hadn’t finished the work. But I told her that I had done all and I just kept on forgetting to bring it. She didn’t believe me and threatened to send a letter home to my parents, because they’d be “very interested” to know that I wasn’t completing my assignments, and I stupidly went all, “Go ahead! My parents know I did the work! They’ve seen me working on it, so a letter isn’t going to do anything!” Needless to say, she sent the letter home. It specifically stated “Jacqueline seemed unconcerned at the prospect of me writing this letter”. My parents? Not too happy. Oh well. It was Year 8 Visual Arts, for fuck’s sake.

I called my English teacher a dickhead in year 9 (I was in tears, so it couldn’t have been misinterpreted as some comment made in jest) but nothing was done about it. Probably because he WAS acting like a dickhead, and he knew it :(

I've had a couple of detentions, but no suspensions. Yay, me!

Actually, the worst trouble I've been in at school wasn't actually at school, but on a school trip with our brother school to Europe in October. Um.....yeah. :eek: We were in Belgium one night, loving life, had about three hours to kill in this really pretty town...so a group of us ordered some Irish Coffees at this cafe. (We were of legal drinking age there.) For those who don't know, it's coffee with a shot of vodka or whiskey in it. One of my friends thought we were drunk (which was fucking ridiculous, but she is a bit sheltered and prudish, so....) and one of the guys on the trip who had it in for me talked her into telling the teachers. That night? Not so fun. At dinner, one of the Normo teachers pulled me aside and told me she "saw" us drinking alcohol, and I knew right then that my so-called friend had dobbed us in. Long story short, we got off relatively scott-free. I still haven't talked to the guy who convinced my friend to rat us in, and though my friend and I made up about two days later (really awkward, considering we were sharing a hotel room) I've got to say, I'm not particularly trusting of her anymore. =/
Oh my you are a bad girl !


Active Member
Oct 30, 2005
Under The Tree
in year 9 my p.e. teacher and tennis coach had a total grudge against me. at training one day we were playing with the ball machine changing the spin and angle of its shots, when he came over and gave me NINE detentions. lol i couldn't really speak. but i reported him to some nicer teachers and i only ended up having to go to one.

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