its common but not legal
i used to work at a restaurant too and pay was around that - cept i mentioned in passing the legal requirements and surprise surprise - i get a pay rise lol..
'under the table' meaning cash in hand, not recorded type thing.
Have you signed an employment agreement of any sort? because if you haven't it's dodgy under teh table

but if you have - you should be able to check that with the legal requirements because it should state what youre job is technically called and all that
if it is dodgy under the table stuff - it's good in a way coz you d on't have to pay tax, but just make sure you're covered insurance wise coz where i used to work - not all of us were paid 'legally' as such so not all of us actually had insurance cover so if anything happens to you - especially if you're ina kitchen with lota hot stuff around and slippery floors and all that - its just a bitch coz you won't automatically get the money necessarily...
plus they'll probably jip you outa extra pay for public holidays and sundays and overtime and uniform cleaning costs blah blah blah...
restaurants are so dodgy lol

unless they're part of a franchise