Physicss November 4th cant wait.
Besides CHem and Maths it will be a good test. So can't wait to walk out knowing i done well.
What am i going to do? Prob party or go for a run.. Or starting working out.
History Extension: Friday 6th November
take a picture of me and the other guy in the course with the BOS people. lol.
get something to eat at KFC. go home, fb, msn, bos & then sleep
As a symbolic gesture to begin with, I've opted for a arduous walk home with my friend, rather than getting the bus. It will take around 2 hours but will be satisfying.
Later that night, I'll have dinner with my parents to celebrate the end of my HSC and my dad's birthday. I plan to knock back a few drink afterwards.
Following that, I might go out do something else, which shall not be planned.
I promised my friend i would hug an examinor when they say 'pens down' or 'you can leave' or whatever
Then, we've all organised to go STRAIGHT to the beach from school. swimmers under our uniforms, bottle of champagne in our bags. It's gonna be a gooooood day