Ohh I could tell you about the crazy antics of the HSIE staff.
I had a sort of war thing going on since Year 8 -- where I started doing well at history; had the same history teacher for Year 8, 9 and 11 and 12, if I got 19/20 it was disappointing lol and I got class groans. lol
In Year 10 I didnt take up Modern, I chose software instead, and when my Year 10 history teacher found out everything became my fault in class (it was all a joke, so it was funny). If a light didnt work, projector... lol, then I would walk down corridors and he'd go "STILL TRYING PAT? GOOD ON YOU!"
umm, in Year 11 when I started absolutely owning history much the same. I joined another ancient class in a few free periods - IDK WHY - and then when I was handing in a prac. essay in the HSIE staff I was standing in the doorway and here comes the other history teacher - "GET OUT OF THE WAY, TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Then there was our great old Geography teacher whose jokes never ceased to amaze us in their hilarity - due to their circular or often anti-climactical nature.
But the best bit was when I said goodbye - they were all like "good luck!" and "Take care of yourself" and all the old jokes/'rivalries' disappeared, it was really great.
I even wrote a comedy article for them which I think is Speculative Fiction - in that crazy, much-speculated-on-before-laughing scenario where the entire ancient class ("the worst we've ever seen since we've been teaching at this school. And that's a conservative estimate.") got Band 6s.
I'm still crossing my fingers that at least 90% of us will.