Sorry, but maybe I'm slow, because I could not really get ur explanation...
So, the school send the raw marks as well as the ranks? And the BOS only adjusted them? Is the raw marks the one averaged, or???
The problem is, like in the case of me,
My school gives in the ranks (that will contribute to UAI or sth) in the report card.
I ranked 2nd in physics and in official BOS website (studentsonline), that is my rank as well..
However, my teacher changed my report, so my physics' rank becomes 3rd but the one in BOS website doesn't change...
When I asked, he said that my 2nd rank is based on the raw marks getting rounded up, then averaged, then rounded again giving me my marks of 2 times rounded, my 3rd rank is based on the raw marks getting averaged then rounded up (once rounding, so it should be more accurate)...I dunno which method is used by BOS anyway....
I know I am being advantaged, and the teacher seems to see no problem although he knew this...but I'm just feeling sorry for the people mixed with me in rank (though the actual different in our marks is only 0.2% >.<) which is actually correct?
IF the BOS is the one who calculated the rank, I mean, then there should be no problem, should there?
Thanks anyway