New Title...
1. I'm curious!
2. Maybe this could be a good way to meet people in advance who are doing same courses/same uni - i.e. Networking!
3. I want to find out how many people on here are doing law at any university
Could you please put it in this order:
"Nickname, (sex) - m or f, suburb you'll commute from , Course , University
comments:blah blah blah / if you want that is..." -->PLEASE use this format to avoid messy spam! um, and i hope people actually fill these in!
msn or icq: 23145634 e.g.
2. Maybe this could be a good way to meet people in advance who are doing same courses/same uni - i.e. Networking!
3. I want to find out how many people on here are doing law at any university
Could you please put it in this order:
"Nickname, (sex) - m or f, suburb you'll commute from , Course , University
comments:blah blah blah / if you want that is..." -->PLEASE use this format to avoid messy spam! um, and i hope people actually fill these in!
msn or icq: 23145634 e.g.
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