Passive-aggressive Mod
I meant for what I said for mirakon to readExactly, I am supporting your point...:uhhuh:
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I meant for what I said for mirakon to readExactly, I am supporting your point...:uhhuh:
As far as anything in biological science can be a fact? Yes. It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt, which is as close to a fact as you can physically get in this context.Yes, there is a possibility of evolution being a fact. I admit this. However the burden of proof is with you. Is it Definitely a fact?
Also, next post I'll post my argument, then I must go for lunch. I'll catch up later.
Actually, the burden of proof is for you to prove creationism...We have left supporting evidence for evolution, now you must counter.Yes, there is a possibility of evolution being a fact. I admit this. However the burden of proof is with you. Is it Definitely a fact?
Also, next post I'll post my argument, then I must go for lunch. I'll catch up later.
Doesn't the Bible say that humans are born inherently evil?Explain to me the biological processes by which people are born to know the difference between right and wrong. People are taught what's right and wrong by the society they grow up in, they don't automatically know it out of the womb. Evolutionary processes are changes over a long period of time, the morals of society whereas change rapidly from year to year, decade to decade, place to place.
I think a suitable play would be the "tl:dr" card, followed closely by the, "stfu you year 10 fag" (Of which I am one tooFrom my understanding, evolution is based purely on physical changes over time, the development in behaviour being due to development of the brain and neurology in the organism. Morality is a social construct, a concept and is not a result of something physical and hence can't be a product of evolution.
Values, morality are defined by the society we live in, we can't be 'born' with them. For example different societies place different values on different things (e.g someone earlier claimed that many religious values conflict with their own values).
If we were born with values and morals as you claim as a result of evolution everyone would have the same morals and values to start with and these conflicts wouldn't be so widespread.
'That is utterly incorrect, actually - in dogs and wolves, and in apes like chimpanzees, being a leader of the pack involves much more than being big and strong. It requires social intelligence'
In addition you fail to realise the difference between social intelligence and morality. Social intelligence requires you to defy morality in many instances. Politicians are high in social intelligence, but they aren't all necessarily moral people for example.
Explain to me the biological processes by which people are born to know the difference between right and wrong. People are taught what's right and wrong by the society they grow up in, they don't automatically know it out of the womb. Evolutionary processes are changes over a long period of time, the morals of society whereas change rapidly from year to year, decade to decade, place to place.
Morality is ever changing. The values of society are ever-changing. Such topics are completely subjective there is no such thing as definitive 'right' or 'wrong' behavioru and therefore cannot be explained objectively in reference to the physical changes that are results of evolution.
Also, how do you define sophistication? Is morality really sophistication? Just because humans have it does it make it a quality of sophistication? How do you know it's not one of the traits we haven't evolved in? How do you know evolution is a fact in the first place?
Also, please provide a post with all the evidence you can that supports evolution, so I can attempt to deconstruct it.
I have to go now, so I look forward to continuing the debate later.
Evolution isn't a fact.You can't prove evolution mathematically, but that doesn't mean it isn't fact.
And society is not a product of evolution? It is. Societal constructs are therefore evolutionary, as they evolved to help deal with increasingly complex societal situations.From my understanding, evolution is based purely on physical changes over time, the development in behaviour being due to development of the brain and neurology in the organism. Morality is a social construct, a concept and is not a result of something physical and hence can't be a product of evolution.
It depends on what values and morality you're talking about, I guess. When I refer to morality, I refer to something much less sanitised than, I guess, Biblical morality or whatever, though these are evolved concepts of evolved morality. What I'm talking about is more fundamental aspects of morality - fairness and justice, altruism, empathy and other more basic fundamentals of morality. I'm not talking about "sexual promscuity is bad!!!" kind of morality, but even that has an evolutionary basis.Values, morality are defined by the society we live in, we can't be 'born' with them. For example different societies place different values on different things (e.g someone earlier claimed that many religious values conflict with their own values).
If we were born with values and morals as you claim as a result of evolution everyone would have the same morals and values to start with and these conflicts wouldn't be so widespread.
In addition you fail to realise the difference between social intelligence and morality. Social intelligence requires you to defy morality in many instances. Politicians are high in social intelligence, but they aren't all necessarily moral people for example.
Sure about that? I would say the fundamental social functions of, say, fairness and altriusm are "innate" because it has a significant benefit:cost ratio (see the link above) the genes that drive it are more likely to become dominant.Explain to me the biological processes by which people are born to know the difference between right and wrong. People are taught what's right and wrong by the society they grow up in, they don't automatically know it out of the womb.
Do they really?Evolutionary processes are changes over a long period of time, the morals of society whereas change rapidly from year to year, decade to decade, place to place.
Sure, when you're talking about derived morality such as the sexual promiscuity example above, morality and values are "ever-changing". Fundamental morality (which drives it), however, is not.Morality is ever changing. The values of society are ever-changing. Such topics are completely subjective there is no such thing as definitive 'right' or 'wrong' behavioru and therefore cannot be explained objectively in reference to the physical changes that are results of evolution.
Morality isn't sophistication. Morality is a product of sophisticated social groupings, a reflection of the increasing social intelligence required to function within those social groupings.Also, how do you define sophistication? Is morality really sophistication? Just because humans have it does it make it a quality of sophistication? How do you know it's not one of the traits we haven't evolved in? How do you know evolution is a fact in the first place?
Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia = a very brief summary.Also, please provide a post with all the evidence you can that supports evolution, so I can attempt to deconstruct it.
Incorrect. Evolution is Not Just a Theory: homeI think some people are a bit confused about what is fact and what isn't in terms of science.
Evolution is not a fact in terms of science because the mechanism which explains evolution is not a law.
This is why the current explanation for evolution is "the theory of natural selection" not the "law of natural selection".
I hope this clears some things up for you Kwayera. The fact that natural selection is still a theory makes it a non-scientifical fact. And I'am pretty sure most scientist in the world will say that that evolution is not a fact.
notjustatheory said:In everyday use, theory means a guess or a hunch, something that maybe needs proof. In science, a theory is not a guess, not a hunch. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for our observations.2 It ties together all the facts about something, providing an explanation that fits all the observations and can be used to make predictions. In science, theory is the ultimate goal, the explanation. It's as close to proven as anything in science can be.
Some people think that in science, you have a theory, and once it's proven, it becomes a law. That's not how it works. In science, we collect facts, or observations, we use laws to describe them, and a theory to explain them. You don't promote a theory to a law by proving it. A theory never becomes a law.
This bears repeating. A theory never becomes a law. In fact, if there was a hierarchy of science, theories would be higher than laws. There is nothing higher, or better, than a theory. Laws describe things, theories explain them. An example will help you to understand this. There's a law of gravity, which is the description of gravity. It basically says that if you let go of something it'll fall. It doesn't say why. Then there's the theory of gravity, which is an attempt to explain why. Actually, Newton's Theory of Gravity did a pretty good job, but Einstein's Theory of Relativity does a better job of explaining it. These explanations are called theories, and will always be theories. They can't be changed into laws, because laws are different things. Laws describe, and theories explain.
Just because it's called a theory of gravity, doesn't mean that it's just a guess. It's been tested. All our observations are supported by it, as well as its predictions that we've tested. Also, gravity is real! You can observe it for yourself. Just because it's real doesn't mean that the explanation is a law. The explanation, in scientific terms, is called a theory.
Evolution is the same. There's the fact of evolution. Evolution (genetic change over generations) happens, just like gravity does. Don't take my word for it. Ask your science teacher, or google it. But that's not the issue we are addressing here. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is our best explanation for the fact of evolution. It has been tested and scrutinised for over 150 years, and is supported by all the relevant observations.
Sorry but your source is highly unreliable since it was just one person's opinion and did not come from any renowned scientific organisation.
I purportedly have something better to do...Now I have to do something else, but i'll come back later tonight.