Yes that's what I was thinking, but I wanted to see his search results first. UNDA (the University of Notre Dame, Australia) is a private Catholic university based in Fremantle, but with a satellite campus in Broome (perhaps others, I don't know). It has undertaken to establish another satellite campus on Broadway, diagonally across from the UTS main campus. One of the courses to be offered at this campus will be Medicine, with accrediation not expected before 2007 (due to the current lack of, you know, a campus and all that).
When I read about it I personally contacted the university and asked for some more information, but to my surprise I was told the (sparklingly new) faculty of Medicine only know as much as was featured in the papers - this is because the announcement was simply the reaching of an agreement between the university and Cardinal Pell, archbishop of Sydney. So it's really just plans at present, with the actual realisation several years away.