Woman who shot the dude (2 Viewers)


narcissistic whore.
Mar 18, 2004
the floor
tattoodguy said:
ummmmmm first offf ----- this country sux. I despise this country its really turned to shit, we have shit politicians and the majority of ppple have shit for brains - hence our society is headed down the drain.

Secondly theres nothing wrong with security guards being armed like what happens if there is a gruop of guys all armed?????? and the security guards only have one gun and there is a shoot out?

the whole rubber bullet thing thats just stupid - if you have a guy aiming a shot gun at ur head and u shoot a rubber bullet at him --------- u get the idea.
go back to your cave.


espresso me up!
Apr 5, 2004
christ_ine said:
Security guards shouldn't have guns in the first place; they're trigger happy, police wanabees.

She doesn't deserve a bloody medal for it.

Erm, while I agree security guards shouldn't have guns, I don't agree with the reasoning. It is an offence to fire a gun in a public place...the guns are basically useless to security guards and only increases their chances of being shot.

You want to be a police officer, right? While I agree that security guards aren't on the same level as cops, you have to give them credit where credit is due. We are only working within the law for $20/hour at best, pretty risky don't you think? We have to be careful to use reasonable force at all times, even when we may be in serious danger. Granted, we're not obligated to put our life at risk like police officers are, but you'll meet guards who will do that if the situation rises. It's fucking attitudes from pigs that you hold which aren't going to make stuff any easier on us when we were just trying to do our job and shit blows up. Heh, tbh, I feel that guards would deal with more incidents, fights, etc. every night than what cops do... cops are too busy out booking people for speeding and other bullshit.

There are guards out there who beat on people for no reason... you can't say the opposite holds true for police officers as well. :)
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espresso me up!
Apr 5, 2004
I have to agree with tatoodguy on this one.

She had no right to CHASE him and kill him - it's basically the law that you cannot shoot someone if they're backing away. If she honestly feared for her life, she would have been trying to get away from the scene, or get some kind of assistance (read: medical!) when he decided to leave.. not chase him down and kill him. It's also an offence to fire a gun in a public place.

I'd say that in general, women security guards/police should not be allowed - I have met some women who can hang with and beat on men, but they're very rare. 99% of the time they don't have the physical capabilites to handle a man's strength or size. Even then, I reckon there should be minimum physical requirements and/or training requirements to be met by men as well. Working with people who are extremely overweight that they have no sense of balance, female guards, or scrawny men that weigh less than my girlfriend or sister don't exactly make me feel safe or that I have decent backup. All it does do is make me more inclined to take a pre-emptive strike on some fuckwit because I feel like I don't have any backup.

Btw, this in no way justifies what he did... but, he's dead now so he's not going to get a trial.


Jun 27, 2004
yeah, having women as securty or police is stuipd. Shit like this is going to happen a guy hits a female officer and she opens fire cos shes too pussy to give someone a fair fight.

That doesnt help anyone ----------------- i hate femenism and all that equal rights bull shit.

Cyph --------- ur not a cop r u?


espresso me up!
Apr 5, 2004
Komaticom said:
That's good thinking. It's a pity that the actual security corporations haven't thought of it yet..
Not really up to the security company. Security company charges per hour/per guard.. people hiring the guards don't really care about the guard's safety, just that they don't get fined for breaking any laws and their asses are covered.

Cyph --------- ur not a cop r u?
nope, just a guard.


The current law of self defence
The basic principal that underlies self defence is that a person who is attacked or assulted is not criminally responsible for using a reasonable or proportionate amount of force against the person assulting them.
(1) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force if the force he uses is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no more than is necessary to enable him to defend himself.

(2) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted and who causes death or grievous bodily harm in repelling the assault is justified if

(a) he causes it under reasonable apprehension of death or grievous bodily harm from the violence with which the assault was originally made or with which the assailant pursues his purposes; and
(b) he believes, on reasonable grounds, that he cannot otherwise preserve himself from death or grievous bodily harm.

Head Injury
Loss of consciousness, even for a very brief period, is one of the clearest indications that the brain may have been affected by a blow to the head. A confusional state involving uncertainty about time, date, and location and/or a period of memory loss for the events surrounding the head injury are also indicators of trauma to the brain

The effects of a blow to the head on brain function arise from the structural characteristics of the skull and the brain and the direction and size of the forces acting on the head. The brain, a rather soft tissue with the consistency somewhere between egg white and jello, is covered by three membrane layers. The outer-most layer, called the dura mater, is connected to the inside of the skull at various suture points which serve to suspend the brain within the skull. The brain sits atop the brain stem, an extension of the spinal cord which passes out the base of the skull through a hole called the foramen magnum. Brain injuries arise from three characteristics of this brain-skull anatomy: the rigidity and internal contours of the skull, the incompressibility of brain tissue and the susceptibility of the brain to shearing forces.

Karen Muratore
The robber, aged in his early 20s, bashed Ms Muratore across the head with a knuckleduster and grabbed the bag containing the hotel's weekend takings.

Police later established the car was stolen.

Ahahaha...And then they print photos of him with his family, because he was such a moral citizen...A family man, you know, the type you wanna take home to mum...Let's forget the point he waited in the car plot for Karen Brown, we'll waiver the fact he just collapsed her eye socket and fractured her skull, because he has kids and a wife...And he just must have NOT been thinking clearly that day...
Oh, holy shit, I can't see out my eye and I have a fractured skull...What are the chances of me thinking clearly? Pretty fucking slim.

Men/Women jobs
May I castrate the fuck who said women can't do mens jobs? How many male security guards have shot and killed robbers or other offenders? Oh gee, I bet there's a larger number than female security guards.
Don't you think that if there was no need for a security guard to have a gun, they would not have a gun?
If when in danger theyre supposed to just hand over the money without using force, that sort of isnt the point of guarding the money, is it?


tattoodguy said:
yeah, having women as securty or police is stuipd. Shit like this is going to happen a guy hits a female officer and she opens fire cos shes too pussy to give someone a fair fight.

That doesnt help anyone ----------------- i hate femenism and all that equal rights bull shit.

Cyph --------- ur not a cop r u?
I hope you catch syphilis, and then I hope your penis rots off.

How many MALE police have shot dead offenders in the last 18 months Tattood, eh? Tell me that? And then tell me how many FEMALE officers have shot dead offenders.. :)
Do you think a male on a female is a fair fight? if you do, you've been listening to your dad too much while he's been bending you over the couch instilling shit into your easily persuaded thick skull...oh, while arse raping you.


Oct 12, 2003
i didnt know one's penis could actually rot off... well as long as u keep it well lubricated you should be fine, tatoodguy...

Katie, equality for the sexes is all about having men and women equal. Now at all times men should show courtesies, manners and such like, towards women.. However, when it comes to enacting what your profession entails, e.g for cops, violence, then thats where equality stops.

Same would happen in business. Just because she is a woman doesnt mean you should be any more favourable towards her business deal. Its all about who can do the job the best.

So if patrolling or being a security guard involves having to be able to subdue aggressive people, then the woman should be able to do it as well as the man, otherwise she is in the wrong area, a bad employee for that particular job.

Now i am not saying thats what happenned here. This woman could have been very good at what she does, but the fact remains that if she shot the guy because she could subdue the man as well as another man could. Then she is not right for the job.

Basically if you dont like the heat get out of the kitchen, and go somewhere where the temperature is just right for you.


Oct 12, 2003
Nick said:
yeah, australia's really fucked ey

i mean, we only have the 5th highest human development index in the world

really heading down that drain..
seriously man... HAVE YOU SEEN THE REST OF THE WORLD? we should be pissed that we're only 5th

I thought we were third... and plus those things a rigged... the biggest indicator for the HDI, Human Development Index, is salary per capita... and 3/5 of the popn doesnt make that much...

and i doubt crime even makes its way on the list, which is why America is so high up.

Makes you think how useful that dam HDI thing is..


I never said anything about equality, that fuck Tattood did. If women want to work in a job that is predominantly male, then they should ... That is where I think the equality stops...I dont think they should be treated any different because they are women, however, I don't think Tattood's comment's are appropriate.


tattoodguy said:
ummmmmm first offf ----- this country sux. I despise this country its really turned to shit, we have shit politicians and the majority of ppple have shit for brains - hence our society is headed down the drain.

Secondly theres nothing wrong with security guards being armed like what happens if there is a gruop of guys all armed?????? and the security guards only have one gun and there is a shoot out?

the whole rubber bullet thing thats just stupid - if you have a guy aiming a shot gun at ur head and u shoot a rubber bullet at him --------- u get the idea.
Man, are you writing this whilst looking in the mirror? This country is perfectly fine compared to others, and if you're so hot shot, run this country for us please...Do a better job, prove me wrong.


Oct 12, 2003
please dont encourage him to do it katie.

rubber bullets hurt man... REALLY hurt... like if u get shot with a rubber bullet... your not gonna shoot baclk.. your gonna think "FCK THAT REALLY REALLY REALLY HURT"

But the idea of a group of guys armed is why its so stupid we have guns at all... i like the brits example... but it might not work in australia because of the massive coast line, all of it potential unloading of weapons areas.


Oct 12, 2003
plus... the navy is only looking for refugees, to stop from ahving to process them in australia


Jun 27, 2004
ohhhhhhh boooo hoooooo --------------lets ban guns.

Fuck that. Lets ban nives and cars too and anything else that can hurt someone - wake up u drop kick.

Tully u stupid broad - there are plenty of guys if they got hit with the nuckle dusters by that guy they would have belted the shit out of that dude. But becasue she was a woman she had to shooot cos she couldnt fight back with her hands sufficiently. She knows the rules--------------if she was a civilian i wouldnt have a problem, but yeah when u sign papers saying you wish to carrry a gun around with u and will only use it for lawful purposes --- i dont have alot of sympathy for ya. If you carried a gun illlegallly just as a normal civilian i have no problem in you shooting someone for attacking u though.

Think about it, what can women do in those situations there bloooody uselesss. Not all women but 95% of women are weak as pisss you can talk about
equality and all that other bull shit but the reality is men are stronger and can kick the shit out of women. Not only does it risk that chicks life but also the lives of ppple in the commmunity. PPle could die cos of your shittty feminist attitudes giving jobs to women out of charity and to apppear politically correct. What a load of shit.

PS - to the canterbury bulll dog player who allledgedly kicked the cop in the head lol lol. Like police hit ppple and act smart etc but when they looose a fight they go and cry to the courts. Pathetic.


Oct 12, 2003
tattoodguy said:
ohhhhhhh boooo hoooooo --------------lets ban guns.

Fuck that. Lets ban nives and cars too and anything else that can hurt someone - wake up u drop kick.
you made the wrong enemy, loser.

Hmm... lets compare shall we

Cars; vital for business, important for people to use to get around, economy gets destroyed if we ban cars.

Knives; Important for day to day use... 99.9999% of which is non-violent.

GUNS; protection from other guns, deadly, little real use...

there is a CLEAR difference. ONE CAN BAN GUNS WITHOUT DESTROYING CIVIL LIBERTIES AND THE ECONOMY.... the other two... just doesnt work that way, DROP KICK.


Jun 27, 2004
Look pea brain.

Sure guns are convenient etc to kill people but if you really want to kill someone --- you can always bash them with a baseball bat or stab them etc -- fatal shootings etc are so insignifcant in our country --- So whats the point of banning guns u retard.

Secondly, i would say a significant amount of people who get shot and killed deserve it anyways. Alot of pple who shoot other ppple have a good reason to do it and if they didnt have guns alot of ppple would stilll get killed but just through other means.

Thirdly, guns are fun and they offer a good way to protect yourself, family and your property. They are useful for recreational purposes and farmers use them to maintain their lively hoods.

Gun crime isnt a serious problem in our coutnry same as terrorism - our government just fabricates and exagerates this type of bull shit and dumbies like urself swollow it. Its just a tactic to maintain order in our society through fear and to further erode our freeedoms by making it easier to introduce legislation giving greating power to our corrupt government and police.

You drop kick. :)


espresso me up!
Apr 5, 2004
Egg_666 said:
GUNS; protection from other guns, deadly, little real use...
They can be used for recreational purposes: shooting, hunting, killing pests on farms.

Cars can also be used for the transportation of bodies, kidnapping of people, running people over, assist in getaways from bank robberies/running from cops, etc.

It's not the knowledge/item, it's the person's mindet who is using it.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Recreational uses that involve killing another creature, I see...


King of Bullshit
Oct 28, 2003
around about here - still
I support her all the way. Someone breaks the law then they just broke their social contract and are responsible for all the consequences. I have no sympathy for the bastard. Who might he have harmed later on, or killed.
He fratcured her skull and damaged her eye and I say bloody good shot. It was a hit from behind without even stopping to be sure she wasn't dead or dying.
I reckon if this was the start of a tougher stand on criminals than the crime rate would drop. Leniency is what encourages crime in this country, and what she did was the right thing for her, and for society.

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