Ah yeah, I see where you were coming from now

it's quite true, replicated in my IPT class. Well if you've researched the course then I'm glad you feel confident in it, you'd be suprised how many people just read the little blurb in the UAC and think they know what's in store.
Me, good old Comp Sci, was actually planning to head into an IT course at UTS but I changed my mind at the last second and chose Comp Sci at UNSW as UNSW is the only uni with a Digital Media course (1st pref), which to my suprise went up in UAI so I missed out by a bit

session in Comp Sci then a transfer into Dig Media...unless 2nd round offers pull through but I'm not holding my breath, I highly doubt they'll be any more space in that course. Animation is my life, so eventually that's the road I'll take