yes that exam was 6 days ago. but this exam could very well affect the next 6 years of my life. not everyone wants an average uai just so that they can get into uni. some people have high aspirations, and when one of 10 units fucks up that bad it jeopardizes those chances. id rather get it right now, then transfer 50 times in uni trying to get into the course i want. i think its much smarter to deal with a problem at hand then look back and kick yourself for letting it go.
bos didn't even care in the beginning. but the more complaints they've gotten and the more people that have raised concerns, they more they're beginning to acknowledge it. they now want the names of the schools who delayed the exams rather than before when they were saying no one had a problem. they're now replying to emails of concerns when a week ago they ignored most emails. it shows that if you take the initiative you can make a change. id love to see you in the real world. " oh fuck. i fucked up that exam. ahh stuff it. i dont need uni. ill go live of centrelink. who cares about a bloody exam. im over it. im gonna go live life " real smart

good luck with that.
what is your opinion ? that you think you did good. you think the exam was fine. and that you think everyone that didn't understand the question should get over it.
wonderful. im happy for you. i love how insecure people just love to brag about themselves to make themselves feel better. its called psychology. go learn it.
but seriously, no one cares how you went, this thread isn't about people who liked it, it was to help people who didnt. and people like you who have their heads so far up their arses that they cant even acknowledge it when other people have problems and are too self absorbed to care, aren't doing anyone any favours.