asking for a friend in a3, do you guys know when promotion emails typically come out? staff told her it would be in the holidays but she already went to her first 4u lesson apparently and shes worried she didn't make the cut
also she has a roughly 92 average when the overall average is like 80 and highest is 97. do you guys know what her chances are like? i told her i dont have a clue but i was wondering if anyone here has any idea.
also is a3 really that bad? ive looked through the questions and it doesnt look too dissimilar bc the optional questions are identical to a1/2 questions depending on the topic. ik a lot of ppl say a3 isnt worth it but im not sure if i should tell her to go somewhere else if she doesnt make it
@Average Boreduser you've gone du right? do you have any thoughts