Thank you so much for that...what do you recommend in terms of a possible word count (I know it would amount to 500 max, but how much detail should be required for my work compared to the prescribed text )
There isn't exactly any rules per see...but I'd say that, because its a reflection, meaning its personal, markers are expecting that personal refelction/voice to come through. Its how you used your prescribed text, and whatever textual devices they use as a springboard for your own writing. Mod C is all about reflecting and considering the writing process personally, so id say a good chunk- going to say 70-60% - should be on your own text! Just be sure to back everything up with evidence though, while its a personal reflection its still largely critical. Eg, in the personal segments of the reflection be sure to mention
how it helped convey whatever idea you wanted to convey with texual evidence from your own text.
How many words you do i reckon, depending on your writing speed, anywhere between 200-500. Though i usually don't think about word count too much when i write because i tend to go over the limit regardless, LOL, so i cant give any practical advice there!
Hope this helped at all