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  1. D

    Would the marking at a top 5 school be harsher than hsc marking in english advanced?

    Ehhhh, I did better in internals than externals so for my case no. But who knows, it's probably down to subjective bias on the day.
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    Misadventure for the HSC

    Keep pushing for it, argue for it. They have a little set of criteria (so they can be fair to everyone) and if you fall in a grey area, it's your job to show how you fulfill the criteria. Could you perhaps get a medical cert from your GP and say that your mental health has been affected by this...
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    physics, bio or earth?

    If you enjoy physics and are motivated to improve, go for it. But be realistic too, if you're failing each class, it's a bad idea. Only you can make the decision - this is your future so don't let some teacher tell you what you can/cannot take. Yes you should take their advice on board, but...
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    nineteen eighty-snore

    Nah that book is awesome, I loved it. Maybe watch the movie? But yeah, it's very interesting and one of my first introductions to a dystopia, and seeing some aspects of it reflected in modern society is chilling
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    Misadventure for the HSC

    I'm not sure what specific documents are required, maybe have a read here? But this is your HSC, sure, you should navigate the issue tactfully, but everyone should be willing to help imo
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    Extracurriculars for Uni Applications & Scholarships

    Great! Good luck with your application :)
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    Extracurriculars for Uni Applications & Scholarships

    It's not a set of boxes you can tick off. Pick a small set of activities you are GENUINELY passionate about, and do them to the HIGHEST level for a LONG period of time. In my case, I played an instrument for something like 12 years, was in cadets for 5 years and was at the top national level...
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    Best HSC Science crash courses?

    What do you mean by a crash course - as in someone online giving a lecture to like 10-20 people for several hours a day over the course of several days?
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    Misadventure for the HSC

    Yes, definitely apply for it. I didn't apply for misadventure when I sat the HSC I regret not applying for it. Don't worry about whether or not it technically fits the boxes and what not, just apply for it and hope for the best. Good luck
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    Unsure of Degree

    Completely agree - don't stress about this right now, it's irrelevant. Just put your head down, do your HSC, and once you are done, you can start seriously thinking about this sort of stuff.
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    Colour Coding Notes for Bio

    It doesn't matter, just do what works best for you. But I would caution you to not rely on highlighting for learning new content - it's one of the most inefficient ways to learn new information
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    What is genuinely considered a good raw mark?

    depends on your aims, do you want to pass chem? do you want to state rank?
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    how many past papers per day

    it doesn't matter, there isn't a magic number where you hit n number of past papers and you automatically get 99.95. hell, you could get away with doing only one a day the key point is, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES you should be spending more time reviewing your answers (and why you got it wrong)...
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    Probably unnecessary, will the advanced studies help you get another job? Probably not. But I think it allows you to double major so that could be helpful
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    The comments from people actually at uni/graduated uni (jimmy, life's hard, pikachu) are all great, I agree with them Ultimately, you can't go wrong with either uni. Your stereotype about USYD is wrong (you'll only encounter those kinds of people in college, and even then, there are just as...
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    Is It Better To Do Trial Questions Or Old Syllabus HSC Questions In Preparation For Chem and Bio

    Do both - prioritise new syllabus questions but old syllabus questions are fantastic too. I graduated in 2019 so I had to use old syllabus questions and I did fine
  17. D

    What book is good for HSC prep? Checkpoints vs Strive vs Excel HSC Success

    I have been very impressed by the Excel papers - they are quite tough. But idk if those textbooks have original chemistry questions, I think they're just all sourced from old HSC papers which you can get for free anyways
  18. D

    Do HSC markers like us to refer to the rubric terms in our essays or would seem too pre-prepared and blunt ?

    Focus predomiantly on the terms of the question. If you overuse the rubric terms, it'll come across as if you memorised your essay for a generic response (not what you want!)