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    Yeah I can; I enjoyed the Dark Knight TRAILER more than the '21' MOVIE. So imo; TDK > 21.
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    It was an okay-ish movie. The ending was a bit cliche for me though. 'The Dark Knight' is going to be SOOOOO much better. :D
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    creative writing stories

    Sometimes, even writing 'cliche' stories work, and receive highly placed HSC marks, if they are written WELL. That's the key; I've read stories that helped HSC english students to achieve 95+ exam marks. Any average student would have written them broadly speaking, in a 'cliche' manner and...
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    Writng interview for english tips...?

    Remember, don't follow the first cliches that pop into your head for interviews! Also, try to be distinctive, but not overly distinctive either! And yes, I know, no-one likes advice that seems pointless and generic, so here's a small model of what your interview could look like: Transcript of...
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    Amount of free periods?

    I used to have 9-12 free periods a week during the HSC. (I had dropped English Extension 1, Music 1, and 2 unit Mathematics). Yes, you will tend to use 3/4 of the year's free periods to play connect-four/track-racer/tic-tac-toe in the back of your maths books. OR as a way to catch up on that...
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    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    My ONE tip to all you messy kids out there (and yes, I used to be one! ZOMG I know, horrible isn't it). But yes - my one and ONLY tip: Clean your friggin desk after the HSC Trial exams. Why? Because it feels like a clean slate. And really, it sort of is; You only have the HSC exams to go...
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    What should i choose for my ancient history historical investigation?

    Choose something that you believe your history teacher will know VERY little about. ;)
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    Assessment Task 15% BR and BNW

    Check out the bOs resources section. I'm pretty sure there are essays there dealing with linking those very two 'In the Wild' texts to the notion of 'In the Wild' lol. :D Seriously though; have you tried the bOs resources yet? They're always a good place to start.
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    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    Smaller numbers means an easier time of scoring the top rank! That's always a good thing. Don't get too complacent with it though! Remember, your class really also includes.. oh, about another 2000 or so other state-rank-hungry HSC students. :)
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    the historicity of jesus christ

    Hmm.. sounds like an interesting elective! :D If it's any consolation though; yes, I agree with Regan_Of_Gong; IF you're essay is impressive, relative to other 'Historicity of Jesus' HSC exam responses, then you're in good stead! That's an advantage, only if most of the 'Historicity of Jesus'...
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    Major Project Results

    There are code-specific forums all over the internet you know. I remember posting up an 'URGENT HELP NEEDED' thread in one of them for my Visual Basic Major Project, and I ended up getting alot of useful (and much needed!) responses. A hint though; when you sign up for an account to those...
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    UAI prediction

    Well, if 35 people from your school achieved a 99+ UAI, and you're ranked 24th in your current year; then it probably IS possible. :) Here's a bit of advice though; don't start neglecting your study, even if you think it's possible. Most people tend to have this relaxation-reflex; once they...
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    Why can't law be done as the single degree? Why must it be combined?

    To suck the monies out of ya :(
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    Case Study: Elizabeth

    You can always ask your teacher to provide you with resources? :) Elizabeth is a particularly difficult Case Study to complete; there are relatively fewer contemporary sources, it seems limited in the scope of historians available for your selection for further study, and there are no available...
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    how do you guys get tutored in maths?

    Extra and more challenging questions is probably the best revision for maths.
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    Standard English Tutoring

    I like posting pointless posts. I also like posting pointless yet totally awesome links to youtube: 14 million views, no joke.
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    Standard English Tutoring

    Standard english tutors are a good idea lol
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    how is your teacher/class for this sub?

    Whether you like or hate the theory, it's something you're going to have to learn to do well at (especially as it is the only component examined in your HSC exams). Start learning little tricks like how to differentiate between algorithms from a quick look (i.e. key defining features), practice...
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    wat happens if u fuck up trials?

    You work harder. My HSC trial marks (only one band 6): English Advanced: 87/100 Ancient History: 85/100 History Extension: 47/50 3 unit Mathematics: 32/50 Software design and development: 85/100 My UAI: 99.85 :D (Admittedly, band 5's/3's aren't really 'fucking up'. But I don't think you would...
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    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents Damn! I feel sorry for you guys. My mum was pretty awesome during HSC time. Always ready with a snack, helping me to keep awake during study, even studying WITH me, and she never even did the HSC (I come from a Latino family). Ask your parents for support, if they...