Nothing is PERFECT. HSC markers always take their time and mark fairly. For some reason you seem to think that markers don't do this. Are you getting this impression from work marked by your school teachers ? Obviously they mark it similar to how you would be marked in the HSC, but in reality...
I have a folder for each subject at home and another to take to school.
The folder that I take to school just has each topic that I am working on at that time. That way I don't have stuff I don't need.
I agree with most of those changes (although I didn't read them all) but I feel that the original line:
is fine. I'm a fan of the one worded sentences, when used occasionally they can be really effective, and in this case I think it works well in the story and for the character.
Our school has voted to strike Wednesday instead of Thursday because there is a Jazz band coming to play or some shiz.
Lucky us.
EDIT: Woops. Yeah, what she said ^
My business studies teacher told us about it in class. My other teachers however, pretty much shoot it down if it is brought up. They just go on about how it's unreliable and we should be 'careful'.
In my parent teacher night last week my mum came home and asked me which 'board/bored' I was on...