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  1. kloudsurfer

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    (self quote!) Freaking hell! I cant believe i got talked out of dropping this...again. Sigh...
  2. kloudsurfer

    Street racing kills elderly couple

    Wtf? Did I miss the part where they flung themselves in front of the street racers cars?
  3. kloudsurfer

    HELP! Dropping subjects

    Freaking hell! Im trying to drop ee2 and my teachers are all guilt tripping me! If it wasnt for everyone else wanting me to keep it, I would have dropped it ages ago! Why do i listen to other people? But this time i really am going to drop it!
  4. kloudsurfer

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    Dammit I tried to drop it today and my teachers all guilt tripped me! This is why I didnt drop it the past 150 times ive wanted to drop it! People keep convincing me otherwise... This time im not going to listen to anyone!
  5. kloudsurfer

    Area Of Study 2009-2012: 'belonging'

    No more Pomo in EE1!!!! :(
  6. kloudsurfer

    medicine [mbbs]

    So...why the hell would you wanna do music/medicine?!?!?!? So you can play your patients calm soothing music before telling them they are going to die...? Seriously though...why?
  7. kloudsurfer

    HELP! Dropping subjects

    Hey! How'd you know? And im dropping it on Monday. :P
  8. kloudsurfer

    Compulsory texts + Supplementary Texts

    For AoS you only need ONE from the stimulus booklet.
  9. kloudsurfer

    HELP! Dropping subjects

    Can we still drop subjects now?
  10. kloudsurfer

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    Ok it to late to drop subjects?
  11. kloudsurfer


    This is what that article says about the epilogue, Kinda like what I said in my post...
  12. kloudsurfer

    unsw- predicted uais

    My Careers advisor asked me to ask all my teachers around what mark they think i will get in the hsc for that particular subject, and then he put it into a UAI calculator, and there was my prediction. Personally I think it was too high but anyway...
  13. kloudsurfer


    I thought it was excellent. I agree that it wasnt perfect (what book is?), and there were some flaws (like people have mentioned, such as the slow bits, and the deathly hallows only being introduced past halfway through the book stood out to me), but they were only small things. I dont...
  14. kloudsurfer

    The UMAT '07 Thread

    Thanks How do you know that? Is it on the website or something? Its a sunday too. Funny day to release the results... So when do UNSW interview offers come out? Dont they come out before we get our UMAT results or something?
  15. kloudsurfer

    The UMAT '07 Thread

    Me too^^^^ Theres a thread about this in the HSC forum and a lot of people have posted (it shoudl probably be here since everyone in Australia does the UMAT not just NSW...) So when do we get our marks?
  16. kloudsurfer

    unsw- predicted uais

  17. kloudsurfer

    How did you UMAT-ers find it today?

    I remember it from the Medentry workshop too! Thing is, I didnt remember the answer lol. But I worked it out, and it had to be the dingo. I think the question was something along the lines of: I. Only one animal stole the egg II.If it wasnt the fox, it was the dingo III.If it wasnt the dingo...
  18. kloudsurfer

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    Im supposed to hand in my pretty much final copy tomorrow. I probably should be working on it instead of being on BoS... Oh well... I knew I should have dropped this ages ago. My parents convinced me otherwise. Note to self, never listen to parents...
  19. kloudsurfer

    Trials Results

    Re: Trial Results. Fine then, ill start us off... English Advanced: 93% 1st Mathematics: 88% 2nd Biology 96% 1st Chemistry 86% 1st Modern 94% 1st EE1 84% 2nd Pretty happy with all my marks. I made too many stupid mistakes in maths though, and i didnt study enough at all for chem as it was my...