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  1. kloudsurfer

    feed back mechanisms

    The point of negative feedback is to decrease the effects of the stimulus (bringing it back to the normal level and thus maintaining homeostasis) The purpose of positive feedback is to increase the effects of the stimulus. It is not supposed to return it to normal levels, but is supposed kind...
  2. kloudsurfer

    medicine [mbbs]

    I know! But unfortunately its too close to the city to count. :(
  3. kloudsurfer

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    I guess I could drive...but im cant drive in the city lol! Btw, im a black and have hair with lots of little plaits. I tend to stand out in a crowd lol so im sure recognise me! If any of you guys see me, come talk to me!
  4. kloudsurfer

    medicine [mbbs]

    Uh, I hate to break it to you, But Medentry doesnt give raw scores. The percentages (which I assume you are using) are NOT the same as the RAW SCORES. The raws scores are calculated using some top secret method that no one but ACER knows. They in no way correspond with your percentages...
  5. kloudsurfer

    Who Has Had Their Trials?

    Yeah, ive had my trials too. (and i go to the same school as redbeard) Obviously, your tutor does not know what he is talking about.
  6. kloudsurfer

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    It was good, but it just seemed like we were watching a really long trailer for the book. It seemed was waaaay toooo rushed (understandably though, the book is huge!) and so much was cut out, but it still had too much content. For example, what was the point of having Kreacher at all. He...
  7. kloudsurfer

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Im there too! How the hell do you get to glebe? I think im gonna have to wake up at 5 am or something too! Great. Now im gonna be half asleep when I do the UMAT. And I cant even drink coffee because then ill have to go to the bathroom halfway through it. And then ill go crap cos im tired...
  8. kloudsurfer

    40mins is a joke

    Out of curiousity, how many words/writing booklet pages are you writing in 40 minutes? Is it that you dont get enough time to write enough or just that you dont get enough time to write everything you want to?
  9. kloudsurfer

    Simple question about essay format

    As it is a 'comparative' study it is important that you show the links between the texts rather than writing about them seperately, so integreation is necessary. However in the other modules and the AoS, it is not as important. You can get a good mark either way. Which ever you feel the most...
  10. kloudsurfer

    Where are we all up to?

    Where am I up to? Im up to...screwed. Which is kinda contradictory, since im coming first in my class but i havent even written half of my major work! (and what ive written is really really bad lol)
  11. kloudsurfer

    quick question

    To add to what has been said... Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane.
  12. kloudsurfer

    What Kind of marks are you guys receiving from the MedEntry practice papers?

    Mine are all over the place! In terms of percentiles i have gotten between: In section 1 - 57 and 88 Section 2 52 and 99 Section 3 37 and 90 I just hope on UMAT day i get 99s and not 37s! Im really counting on getting a good umat score because I know my UAI wont be that great...
  13. kloudsurfer

    BR- deckard's unicorn dream

    Its a hint towards the whole idea that Deckard is a replicant. It suggests that hes not the only one who knows about his dreams and that maybe hes like Rachel, a replicant whose dreams and memories have been implanted.... I havent even done this module but thats what i read somewhere....
  14. kloudsurfer


    What she said (about pen colour and light and black being easier to read....).
  15. kloudsurfer

    Who is going to sit UMAT this year?

    Me too! In section 3 ive gotten between 36th and 90th percentiles and 52nd and 99th in 2! I really hope its a 99 and not a 36 in the real thing! Plus my UAI wont be that good either, so im countin on my UMAT score to get me up there...
  16. kloudsurfer


    Thats a really long introduction...
  17. kloudsurfer

    Who Has Had Their Trials?

    Yes, yes it is. Though at the time it sucked.
  18. kloudsurfer

    complaints about 2007 trials timetable

    My trials are over!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
  19. kloudsurfer

    Skrewed up your trials?

    Yessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! My trials are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance!!!!!!!* EDIT: Now all I have to worry about is my ee2 major work...n practicing for the UMAT...and my UNSW med application plus a 500 word essay... :bomb:
  20. kloudsurfer

    Parents Divorced

    So out of curiousity, since you obviously thing this 'problem' isnt big enough, where would you draw the line at giving people who had something happen to them special considerations?