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  1. N

    Engineering studies predictions / thoughts

    Yup. If you look at the test papers for hsc engineering science on google , which was a subject that use to exist before 2000, you will see they are actually physics questions. The formula sheet also...
  2. N

    All you want to know about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS).

    What a fucking stupid system. The only reason this has to exist because of the flawed scoring system, not the external exam. Plus I don't get to have these benefits since I live in a middle income suburb. The Highest achieving aboriginal kids are getting low not because they performed poorly on...
  3. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    In one exam. Since she got a 90 and I got 75 that one topic test, her rank will be around mine, hence I'll share the low mark of hers (she scored 75 in the trials while I scored 85).
  4. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    I'm talking about math, where there actually is no need for any internal exams in fact.
  5. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    why should the school control whether we do work or not? if we do good in externals, it goes to show to the school we actually cared about learning, not just being a drone mindlessly doing work. If a drop kick doesn't want to do work or learn at all, so be it, it should be reflected in his...
  6. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    No, she only did good on small topic tests, I can confidently say I'm smarter than that dumb bitch. Plus I got 100% on all topic tests except one which was a 75%, hence I'll share a mark with this dumb bitch even though I performed way better than her in trials.
  7. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    No, for some ridiculous reason, the first person gets to keep their own mark. Why can't we all keep our own external mark? refer to the graph I posted above.
  8. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    Its like any external exam, held across multiple days. Also my dad did it and got into Tsinghau. Yes you do. this graph is taken from As you can clearly see, if you're not first ranked, you will take...
  9. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    Its a bad systrm because your internal marks determine whos other mark you will take and average. I believe I would take this bitch's marks since I think my rank is like 5 and shes probably 6 and therefore a much lower external mark. We should get our own external mark, uninfluenced by our...
  10. N

    Scaling – You, Your Friends, and the HSC

    probably some english teacher thought this was a good idea.
  11. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    I don't want to get a shitty score because some dumb bitch beat me in the internals when I wasn't clear headed on that one single day on a topic test. I don't want to take an average of this dumb bitch's mark. Imagine I get 92, then this dumb bitch gets 74. That averages to 83. What the fuck...
  12. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    My school is full of incredibly stupid individuals in math advanced. (49 avg) these clowns will be dragging me down since i'm not the 1st ranker. (calling them stupid cause they had the choice to drop, yet stayed merely because they wanted to stay with their friends. My advanced cohort should in...
  13. N

    BoS Trials Maths and Business Studies 2024

    how does one write in latex
  14. N

    not seeing improvement between trials and hsc

    if u get a 60 raw mark in the hsc , thats a band 4 or 5. Also if you do get band 5 in advanced math you will get adjustment factors for some unis
  15. N

    Will you be penalized for finding standard deviation using calc?

    The fx82au allows you to find standard deviation. Will the stupid markers not award full marks just because you used a function on a calculator which dumbass nesa aproved? that's messed up if you do get penalised
  16. N

    kurt's entrance test

    if they make the test too hard, chances are they just want to suck the living hell out of your or your parent's wallet . It's not worthy to go to a place that just tests you on over complicated bull shit that wont be on an exam unless you are doing it for fun.
  17. N

    90+ atar and first rank without tutoring?

    Exactly, I've been saying this to others all the time. This not only is more effective, free and time efficient, it prepares you for uni to where you self study most topics too.
  18. N

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    Also 2023 had 3d trig question, just not the one requiring solving for height from two equations.
  19. N

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    You didn't look at shit, you just asked chatgpt to generate some response.