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  1. Tim035

    Math stats first year

    oh dear god not that crap. BTW Em goodluck for tommorow, I know I'm going to need it :(
  2. Tim035

    BABS1201 Course Syllabus

    Well you've convinced me to stay with evolutionary and functional biology, I'll leave Genetics to the med science students who seem to strive on doing advanced/harder everything. The course pack doesn't look to bad + all the lecture notes already inside it, thats preety neat. I have to do...
  3. Tim035

    Enthalpy of condensation and vaporisation

    Inevitably in the finals for CHEM1011 their will be one of those: calculate the energy required to convert 900g of ice at -20 degrees C, to gas at 130 degrees C. Which require the formula #H= M*Cp*#T In the exam will that sheet we get have the Cp values for the condensation, vaporisation and...
  4. Tim035


    Off the top of my head, Molality= moles in 1kg of solution. Now the solution has a density of 1.005g per ml. So 1kg of solution is going to be a tad under 1L, so the answer will be a tad under the molarity concentration. So without doing any calculations at all my guess would be- D. But...
  5. Tim035

    BABS1201 Course Syllabus

    Wow.... BIOS1011 sounds like the pits. I've put it into my timetable as it gives a 4 day week at uni, but I really don't think thats worth it now.... Genetics 2021 (I think thats the course code) looks a lot more interesting, but gives me a terrible timetable. It might be worth doing though, can...
  6. Tim035

    Exam time questions and sem 2 issues

    You will probabley have to go to the library in person and see if you can find any BIOS1101 past papers they might have, thats your best bet. Other then that, type up a collection of notes from all ur lectures then re-write them, then summarise those notes until its all in your head. Works...
  7. Tim035

    Hours/week for medicine students

    I know its not medicine, but I was talking to a chiropractor who said in her final year she was doing 40 hours a week including clinic. Ouchy ouchy.
  8. Tim035

    Medical science- Getting very competitive

    Thanks Survivor, that was very inspiring. In all honesty I'm not overly worried about whether I get into this lateral medicine degree (and know that I'm not studying as hard as I could/should be if I wanted to do so) not to say I'm being slack at all, but if I wanted to I could do more...
  9. Tim035

    I'm interested in hearing more about pharmacology

    Pharmacology is definatly my main area of interest at the moment if I'am to stay in a science degree. So if anyone has experience in studying it currently or is a graduate having majored in it I would love to hear more about what it involves doing, career oppertunities etc etc (more so then what...
  10. Tim035

    So I want to become a doctor...

    As someone in the Medical Science degree at UNSW right now what the above posters have said is true in all respects. 1- I think I've been told on about 5 different occasions that I will never earn good money as a scientist, will have to work horrendous hours and will be deprived of all social...
  11. Tim035

    Medical science- Getting very competitive

    I'm a med science student myself, and yes I would walk through fire to be able to transfer into medicine at some stage. But has anyone else noticed the competitive attitude arising in a lot of the students, creating the impresssion that suddenly we're back in the HSC? I think the desire for SOO...
  12. Tim035

    Whats the difference between a review article & primary literature article?

    Ok thanx, so would say... New Scientist articles be considered review articles then?
  13. Tim035

    Whats the difference between a review article & primary literature article?

    I have an assingment for biology and biotechnologicals sciences stating that I must "refer to at least two peer-reviewed journal articles. These can be review articles. They do not have to be articles from the primary literature". Could someone enlighten me as to the difference? Because atm...
  14. Tim035

    SCIF- interview a biomedical professional

    How far does a biomedical professional stretch? As in I have some good contacts with phsyiotherapists and chiropractors, or does it more have to be your pathologists, microbiologists, pharmocologists etc etc etc... ??
  15. Tim035

    BABS1201 Course Syllabus

    I'm writing summaries for it since we don't have any tutorial style questions like we do for chemistry. Basically I sit at my computer, open iLecture listen to the lectuerer speak and then pause and write the important parts then play and repeat. Durring this break I'll have a read over the...
  16. Tim035

    Chem1011 Lab Assignments

    The way I understand it, their is 12 assingments for this semester. They take you best 10 marks from those 12 assingments and this counts towards 10% of your final mark. So you can afford to bomb 2, but I really don't see them getting any easier. The program is really strict on decimal places...
  17. Tim035

    how do you study for university?

    Umm well so far I: - Add little notes here and there on the print off for the lectures durring that lecture. When I get home I summarise these on a word document and see if the textbook has anything more I should add to them. - Do tutorial sets for Maths and Chem. - Make sure to have larger...
  18. Tim035

    Computer Assignment: Nomenclature

    well thats interesting to know! I went and did this weeks computer exercise again today and managed to get 5/5. But I got a little pop up saying that a lot of students did not complete last weeks assingment so they are giving you this week to do it aswell. So all is not lost :D
  19. Tim035

    Computer Assignment: Nomenclature

    I'm afraid at this point in time if you try clicking on week 2 computer assingment it will just give you an explanation of the solutions, no ability to now complete it. Ummm... you could try begging a lecturer/tutor/head of department. But otherwise I think thats only like 0.85% lost. Lol...