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  1. kloudsurfer

    Extension English

    Well considering im just writing my essay for it now and I have four other subjects to study for, im pretty screwed. But can usually bullshit my way through Ext. exams so I might be able to pull it off. As for the creative bit, Im screwed. Im good at creative writing, I just can never think of...
  2. kloudsurfer

    Rules for Customers

    Yeah it is now. Somone asked me that in June.
  3. kloudsurfer

    Rules for Customers

    Its June. We do not have any christmas trees. And even if we did, I wouldnt know, because clearly I am working at the other side of the store in FOOTWEAR!!!!! We also do not sell fruit. This is BIG W not WOOLWORTHS!!!!!
  4. kloudsurfer

    How was your school day?

    Thanks Ooops I meant maths, not english. Anyway, thats not my real attitude, Im just trying to cheer myself up using logical thinking. It never works....
  5. kloudsurfer

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    I kinda fluctuate between being all like 'WOOOHOOO...PARTY!!!!!... YEAH!!!!!' and 'OMG I only got 99% in my exam I am a failure I must lock myself in my room and study some more!!!!!!'. I think the key is finding a happy medium. As you can see, I have not yet found it.
  6. kloudsurfer

    How was your school day?

    My day was horrible. I went terrible in my Maths exam. was expecting to go crap but not that crap. I think it will be the first exam I have ever failed. Unless you count handwriting in yr 3....handwriting isnt a subjects DAMMMIT!!!!. Ahem. Anyway...and Im soooo sick right now, Ive been in bed...
  7. kloudsurfer


    Meh, my writing is always illegible anyways. Procrastination has never really affected me. Well, most of the time anyway. This is coming from the person who has yet to complete thier extension english essay. Can I have another cookie?
  8. kloudsurfer

    How was your school day?

    I was all excited when I got home because i think I went ok in my english and bio exams. Anyway, In the space of 4 hours I have developed a horrible head cold!!!!!! You know the kind you get when ur nose is all runny n ur head is stuffy n u cant concentrate.... :( Oh well, I dont have...
  9. kloudsurfer

    UNSW interviews

    Just out of curiousity, do you know your UMAT results yet? Cos im planning to apply for Rural next year and im curious to know what UMAT scores go with certain marks to see if I have a chance in hell of getting in.
  10. kloudsurfer

    Physics or Biology

    I had the same dillema at the end of year 10. I ended up choosing physics, but moving to bio a few weeks in because I enjoy biology more. From what I hear, it really doesnt matter which one you do, but you should probably ask some of the more experienced posters. In my opinion just pick...
  11. kloudsurfer

    Yearly Prem. Exam Next Week!! :(

    Hey! You tricked me! Trying to lure me over to the darkside with your delicious cookies....mmmm...darkside cookies...
  12. kloudsurfer


    I love english. Anyway, its the same for any other subject. Maths is pointless (dont hurt me soulsearcher!)...when are you every going to need to use differentiation, or find the sum and product of the roots of a freakin parabola (unless you want to be an optometrist)!??!?!? What your...
  13. kloudsurfer

    Yearly Prem. Exam Next Week!! :(

    Im actually ok at maths, I got 98% and came first in my half yearly after studying like crazy but for every other assesment I have gotten 70's. I just dont like it and find it is too much time and effort and I dont put in as much as I should and end up going crap. Thanks for the offer. Might...
  14. kloudsurfer

    Yearly Prem. Exam Next Week!! :(

    Damn straight I still want my cookie!!! Its the only reason I started my essay!!!
  15. kloudsurfer

    creative writing

    Wow, i didnt notice that. Kabbasi is right, thats just low.
  16. kloudsurfer

    Yearly Prem. Exam Next Week!! :(

    Ha. English is the least of my worries. Unlike you, its Maths that will kill me. Ive started my essay. Mum asked me to hang out the washing. Im not that desperate.... Good luck to everyone who starts thier exams this week.
  17. kloudsurfer

    Yearly Prem. Exam Next Week!! :(

    Mine start tomorrow! English and Bio on monday. Im actually feeling pretty confident, but thats how i felt the day before my half yearlies and ended up going crap. Now can someone please motivate me to write my extension english essay? Ive been avoiding it for weeks. Im dont usually...
  18. kloudsurfer

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    dark blue skinny legs a red belt with white spots black sunnies with diamonte/stud thingies in the side my monthly comic book supply
  19. kloudsurfer

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    Theres such thing as a yr 11 semi-formal?!??!?!?!?!?!? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Stupid bogan public school!!!!*
  20. kloudsurfer

    Plan for year 12

    Wow, sounds like a pretty hard plan to keep. Thats a lot of studying...when do you get time to chill out? Thats my problem. I recently started using a timetable, but im the opposite to most people. I can keep it fine, except for the fact that I just find it hard to only study when my...