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  1. kloudsurfer

    Another Random Chem Question

    Ahhhh I see...thats really simple actually. :) Thanks heaps everyone
  2. kloudsurfer

    Another Random Chem Question

    Hey everyone, My chemistry teacher has gone on holidays for three weeks before the exams!!!!!!!!! And hes left us practically the entire energy topic to do in that time!!!!!!!!!!!!:( Anyway, I have abosulutely no idea how to do this question. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!. Could someone please explain to me...
  3. kloudsurfer

    what are you going to change?

    Ah, sleep. Thats one I need to work on too. At least 8 hours every night (hopefully)
  4. kloudsurfer

    Extension English

    To get into? There are like three people doing it at my school! Nevertheless, we have a class, as we do every single year despite the few people who choose it. On the topic of Extension 1, I take back all my complaining before, we are finally doing something cool. Were doing a french play...
  5. kloudsurfer

    Grey's Anatomy vs House

    House wins in my opinion. By far. I just love everythign about it (despite its lack of realisticness)! I am in love with Dr Chase, and Dr Cameron (in a non lesiban way...), and like *Ninny-mole*, I find Dr House strangely attractive. I only just started watching Greys Anatomy a couple of...
  6. kloudsurfer

    Work Experience with a GP or Hospital

    Hey, digging up an old thread, I know. What is the 'HR department' (should I know what it is?)? I did nursing work experience at the hospital, but I barely even got to see or talk to any doctors. I would like to do something else, preferably actually involving doctors. Can you do that...
  7. kloudsurfer

    what are you going to change?

    I think I need to limit my Internet usage . My internet was broken on my laptop for like 2 weeks so I only went on the internet once! Its a huge distraction for me, especially if Im using my computer to type up an essay or make study notes or something. Especially Bos, its so easy to come here...
  8. kloudsurfer

    Questiosn baout studying Med. USyd or UNSW

    Ahhh I see. Thanks. Now I know theres still hope!
  9. kloudsurfer

    Questiosn baout studying Med. USyd or UNSW

    Ive been wondering about that. So medicine at Usyd is graduate medicine as well as undergrad? Is it mostly Graduate? How many of the places are given to undergrads? How many medicine places are there in total? How hard is graduate medicine at USyd to get into as opposed to, say, graduate...
  10. kloudsurfer

    How was your school day?

    No so did I. As soon as I found out he was ok, I couldnt stop laughing. :D
  11. kloudsurfer

    How was your school day?

    Didnt go 2 school. My brother shot himself in the hand with a nail gun. But hes ok. :)
  12. kloudsurfer


    AHHHH!!!!!! EXAMS!!!!!! All these threads about burning out and stress and EXAMS!!!! are making me freak out!!!! In the past my reason for not studying was because I was too lazy, but now, I just DONT HAVE ANY TIME!!!!!!! I can barely finish my assesments let alone my homework and STUDY...
  13. kloudsurfer

    HSC Subject Selections

    Haha me too. My dad wont let me do ten units. Im actully glad because I wouldnt hae been able to make the decision lol.
  14. kloudsurfer

    My Class Is Hard To Study In....too Many Distrations.... Help

    OMG! My old bio teacher is exactly the same. When he started talking about how he climbed Mt Everest but only got half way cos he got altitude sickness (I think we were supposed to be talking about photosynthesis...) I was like, 'Thats changing classes!!!!!' So yeah, changing classes...
  15. kloudsurfer

    Supplementary texts - read them?

    Hey? Now im just confused...
  16. kloudsurfer

    Supplementary texts - read them?

    I dont have a problem with it, I enjoy reading anyway and usually our english texts are readable. I use Sparknotes and everything as well though. I think you get a more thorough understanding by reading the texts so are able to write about it more effectively.
  17. kloudsurfer

    Help with a 'lesson plan'

    Hey, Totally random question, didnt know where to put it but here seemed the most appropriate. I just need some advice from you teacher types lol Basically I have to do an eye dissection with 'gifted' yr 6 and 7 kids. (long story) I know how to do the actual dissection and all, I was just...
  18. kloudsurfer

    cant find a thread!

    Hey, Didnt know where to put this, hope it is in the right place. There is a thread that I read a while back, and it was called the 'Motavation tips thread' (yes, I think motivation was spelt incorrectly but im not sure) or something along those lines. It was in the Preliminary HSC section...
  19. kloudsurfer

    How was your school day?

    My day was crap. I had yet another argument with my biology teacher, and once again I was right. She doesnt really know much about biology. Came first in my modern assesment. :) Got my ext maths back, 30/50 isnt bad considering I didnt study at all because I have completely given up on ext...
  20. kloudsurfer

    Maestro Assistance

    I did Maestro early year 10 so I dont remember much, but I vaguely remember something about 'genius'. It was like the concept of 'what is a true genius?' or something. That probably makes no sense, Ill get back to you if I remember anything more concrete lol.