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  1. Trebla

    Official BOS Trial 2016 Thread

    Not really if you argue how the result holds in terms of the arrangements in the question. Even then, algebraically you just need to show is that...
  2. Trebla

    Official BOS Trial 2016 Thread

    Just thought I'd give a flavour of the results from last year's paper for anyone who wants to benchmark themselves
  3. Trebla

    Degree advice

    If you are actually 'trolling' as you claim to be then you do realise I now have grounds to infract you for doing jusy that (given this is a uni forum) right?
  4. Trebla

    Degree advice

    On the basis of this sweeping generalisation I doubt you have any background in recruiting either. Sure, we cannot rule out there may be some biases in recruitment for some organisations but not the outright discrimination you seem to be implying. There are plenty of examples of UTS and Macq...
  5. Trebla

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    lol you cannot use course averages or number of medals to claim anything. For example, a higher proportion of D/HDs could either mean the course was easier OR it could mean the cohort was stronger OR both OR something else... #learntostats
  6. Trebla

    Should I aim for Grad Med rather than Undergrad?

    Wtf how can you give up and say you're not ready when the UMAT is literally just under a year
  7. Trebla

    University assumed knowledge

    Assumed knowledge generally has no bearing on whether or not you actually get into the degree. Entry is primarily based on your ATAR.
  8. Trebla

    First Year Mathematics A (Differentiation & Linear Algebra)

    Re: MATH1131 help thread It's a second derivative where you partially differentiate wrt x then partially differentiate again wrt y.
  9. Trebla

    Applied Finance/Commerce at MQ suitable for Investment Banking?

    Yeah usually some variation of those degrees. There is also the odd arts student as well.
  10. Trebla

    Applied Finance/Commerce at MQ suitable for Investment Banking?

    I would still argue that grads in highly prestigious IBs in Australia have mainly undergrad qualifications. I have mates who worked as grads in all of those IBs and pretty much none of them have a post-grad degree. Even more telling is that the grads you talk to when these IBs come on uni...
  11. Trebla

    Applied Finance/Commerce at MQ suitable for Investment Banking?

    lolwut Graduate positions in IB (at least in Australia not sure about overseas) are dominated by those with just an undergrad degree (hence 'graduate'). MBA (which is more about management) has nothing to do with IB so it is completely useless for an analyst position. If anything, applying...
  12. Trebla

    Sketching inverse trig graphs

    Do you know what an inverse sine function is? If you are studying ahead (which I would advise against doing if you haven't yet mastered the basics of Year 11), I suggest you read how it is derived first.
  13. Trebla

    Guide to LAT Tutoring

    Stop it please.
  14. Trebla

    How long did it take you to feel confident-ish on your L's?

    It took me at least 30-40 hours of legit driving until I was confident enough to drive around smoothly.
  15. Trebla

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Your personal statement should include your background, your motivations for research and your areas of interest.
  16. Trebla

    Hsc subjects?!?!?!?!

    Might wanna read your quote of "random crap" again "Your english mark will drag your whole ATAR down if you do crap in it hence you won't be able to get into your uni course"
  17. Trebla

    Hsc subjects?!?!?!?!

    English is actually counted in your ATAR lol
  18. Trebla

    Hsc subjects?!?!?!?!

    This could not be more wrong. There are hardly any uni courses that have Advanced English as a pre-requisite. Universities do not care about your English mark especially for a B Commerce. The only thing that matters is the pre-requisite of 2U maths and the final ATAR. If you want to get into...