Search results

  1. Survivor39

    significance of DNA replication?

    I have to disagree on that. corresponding bases align themselve, not amino acids. Amino acids are used to make proteins, first forming a polypeptide.
  2. Survivor39

    wallace line?

    Beginning of Blue print of life. Describe using specific examples, how the theory of evolution is supported by: Biogeography. Of course you don't need to use Wallace line as an example. you can also use waratah in Australia and South America to suggest that Australia was once connected to...
  3. Survivor39

    how's session 2?

    what happens to the other 6 uoc?
  4. Survivor39

    Another Prediction Wont hurt Please

    I don't think that school is anywhere near top 120 anyway (this is not an offence). You won't be able to locate it if it's not in the top 120.
  5. Survivor39

    scaling of food tech?

    Again, scaling of subject has nothing to do with the amount OR the difficulty of the subject. Food tech generally scale down because the candidates doing the course is not as academically strong compared to students doing, say, chemistry.
  6. Survivor39


    Sorry, i meant to say "shouldn't" not should. Passive immunisation is the injection of antibodies, whereas active is the injection of attenuated microorganisms. So you SHOULDN'T emphasis this too much. Just focus on how the vaccine provoke a response in your immune system.
  7. Survivor39

    significance of DNA replication?

    This one is easy. You have to describe the process from double stranded DNA ---> unzipping -----> new bases comes along -----> the pairing of A to T and G to C -----> Two new strands of double stranded DNA. one of the significance of this process is that two IDENTICAL DNA can be made. As...
  8. Survivor39

    Am i immune ?!

    For the 4 subjects that you are comming first, if you come first in the HSC exam in your school as well, you are immuned. To get 99+ UAI, you are looking at AT LEAST 90+ in every single subjects. Don't let this coming first in school thing distract your concentration. you need to still...
  9. Survivor39

    Another Prediction Wont hurt Please

    It doesn't matter how schools were ranked in this case. They would not have sufficient number of band 6 anyway, since band 6 is how they rank schools in both ways - either by nNUMBER of band 6 or Number of band 6 divided by number of STUDENTS. Either way, with a dux of 86, you can't expect...
  10. Survivor39

    Group of Eight - Aus Unis???

    Stanford was next on the list, so it didn't made it..
  11. Survivor39

    Another Prediction Wont hurt Please

    I agree with Estel. There's no way your school was ranked 50th with a dux of 86. Even if everyone else fell between 86 and 80. (not impossible). You can expect around 80. Since the dux may have done chem/phy/4 maths subjects and are, like you, coming first in them. Therefore, scaling favours...
  12. Survivor39

    How Can We Improve the SC Forum?

    I agree, since there are not many students doing Society and Culture, we need to try and maximise the number of SC students in here to help (and fill in surveys) and ask questions.
  13. Survivor39

    What's the difference of doing Gen ed in X1, X2 compared to normal session??

    what?! that's cool! I have to do two 30-question multiple choice tests and one 1500 words essay? wtf?! Is this the standard of gen eds assessments?
  14. Survivor39

    What's the difference of doing Gen ed in X1, X2 compared to normal session??

    mine is GENM0202 Frontior in Brain research and it's over 5 days :( 9 to 5 too...aaaargh.......
  15. Survivor39

    What's the difference of doing Gen ed in X1, X2 compared to normal session??

    What's the difference of doing Gen ed in X1, X2 compared to normal sessions?? I know in X1, and X2, you do the whole course in one week, do you have to be a quick learner, work harder and cram more since the whole course is compacted into one single week instead of spanning over 2 hours a...
  16. Survivor39

    Session 1 Results

    hahaha, seeing your triple HD, how can you fell alseep!? :p
  17. Survivor39

    trial papers

    Hmmm, i've just checked the resources for biology. There seems to be something missing. There should be 3 James Ruse trials (2001, 2002, and 2003) and half Sydney girls/boys, Baulkham hill and some major selective schools' trials....what happened to them. I remembered...
  18. Survivor39


    You have to talk about how the materials in the vaccine (e.g. attenuated strains of microorganisms) can activate immune responses in making antibodies/memory cells ect... You shouldn't emphasis on active/passive immunisation as both processes don't directly explain how vaccination prevent...
  19. Survivor39

    trial papers

    Maybe some selective kids would post their half-yearlies up. i guess you would have to wait.