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  1. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    Monopolies in my view are amoral. They assist in allowing the rich to get richer at the expense of others. Private security companies in our time are restricted by the State, but under the proposed 'Anarcho'-Capitalist system, there is no state and thus corporations would have free reign...
  2. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    True, but that doesn't mean the system is fair. I know this. The problem is the divide between the rich and the poor. People shouldn't have the right to exploit others, which undoubtedly occurs under the capitalist system. The point I'm trying to make is that these managers etc aren't needed...
  3. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    @scuba_steve2121: I don't have a flawed understanding of capitalism, I know how it works. I just don't agree with it or support it. You think capitalism is a happy little society where everybody is taken care of and this magical 'invisible hand' protects people. It doesn't. Capitalism murders...
  4. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    I don't support government at all, and I don't support capitalism at all. It isn't a question of the individual tenets of the capitalist system, it's a question of equality and fundamental human rights. Whether you like it or not, capitalism is a system in which profits are the number one...
  5. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    Piss off trolls. No you can't. How does that work? Who will buy my labour if I price it too high? How can one even determine the price of labour? No matter how high my wages are, someone at the top of the chain is profiting off my labour and contributing nothing to society. [/SIZE]Yes, I...
  6. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    I'm a member. Yeah, the freedom to sell your labour for less than its value, while the super rich exploit the world and get rich and fat off the toil and hardship of everybody else. Capitalism is slavery and exploitation you stupid fuck.
  7. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    ^ I'm not talking specifically about Australian 'democracy', I'm talking about political theory, i.e Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, Capitalism etc - the big picture. It has been true of the past that younger people become less and less concerned with politics at that level as they grow older...
  8. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    People in our society, particularly young people (I know this could be a generalisation) seem to be very apathetic and uncaring towards anything to do with politics and political issues. I thought the reasons behind this would be a good topic for intelligent discussion. My view is that factors...
  9. TacoTerrorist

    Libertarian movement

    You make a good point. Although one must consider whether this effect is fundamental human nature or the structure of the dog-eat-dog capitalist system. One day, perhaps not even in our lifetimes, people will break free from the chains of dependence and each person can become independent and...
  10. TacoTerrorist

    Libertarian movement

    An Anarchist society would be comprised of syndicates, which would hopefully level the playing field somewhat in terms of economic power. Without an organised police force of some description any 'organisation [that] will take control' would be physically inept to deal with its vengeful...
  11. TacoTerrorist

    Hey fascist

    Hey fascist
  12. TacoTerrorist

    Imagine a helmet strapped on a human skull— forever

    Murphyad, stop being a patronizing wanker. This issue is a matter of opinion and not of fact. You simply believe that the state should have the power to regulate human life. So be it then you bigoted statist. Also who are you calling kiddo? You just finished high school. You know nothing of...
  13. TacoTerrorist

    Meh, I'm pretty sure I picked bad rep. Is there even a neutral option?

    Meh, I'm pretty sure I picked bad rep. Is there even a neutral option?
  14. TacoTerrorist

    Imagine a helmet strapped on a human skull— forever

    Not wearing a helmet is about as victimless a 'crime' as you can get. So by your logic suicide should be illegal too? I mean, it would have psychological effects on your family. You're ridiculous.
  15. TacoTerrorist

    Homosexuality in Australia

    ^ You're a fool.
  16. TacoTerrorist

    Political leaders; who will triumph and what do they stand for?

    ^ Most Australians vote for major political parties because the other parties don't stand a chance. The parties push the corporate agenda, not look after the needs and wants of the average Australian.
  17. TacoTerrorist

    Imagine a helmet strapped on a human skull— forever

    'Libertard'? Care to elaborate? What are you, anti-liberty? I wrote the sentence therefore I choose the tone in which to express it. On the highly unlikely chance that I were to be killed by not wearing a helmet, those repercussions you pointed out would be dire. However, fundamentally I am my...
  18. TacoTerrorist

    Imagine a helmet strapped on a human skull— forever

    When are you dickheads going to realise that the government shouldn't have the right to tell you what to do? If I want to ride a bike without a helmet it's my own fault if I get seriously injured. The government shouldn't coerce me to wear one.