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  1. TacoTerrorist

    Liberal or Labor?

    Greens are the way to go for this election I think. Definitely better than Labor and infinitely better than the Liberals. State capitalists of course, but at least they aren't total Nazis.
  2. TacoTerrorist

    ATTN: AC-ists

    Jesus Christ. Capitalism is the greatest source of inequality, hardship, death, wage-slavery and is the worst single entity that exists on the planet. It is the ultimate legalised, barely-regulated greed. Humanity at its worst. Lowering the minimum wage or removing it altogether will lower...
  3. TacoTerrorist

    As a young person do you feel disenfranchised by the two major parties?

    That's bullshit. Everybody is entitled to the same standard of living, regardless of how well they can manipulate some exploitative free market. Being better at supplying demands is not as important as being a contributive member of society. Some cunt ANZ CEO is a parasite on the human race, but...
  4. TacoTerrorist

    IDF Flotilla Incident Official Thread

    I agree, but I doubt Israel will face anything but minor consequences. They've gotten away with far worse crimes in the past.
  5. TacoTerrorist

    Liberal or Labor?

    Stick to the religious threads please. Perhaps you have misinterpreted me. I'm not suggesting that manual labour is the only legitimate form of labour, or that roles aren't important for that (intellectual) line of work. What I am suggesting is that the massive discrepancies in labour and pay...
  6. TacoTerrorist

    Liberal or Labor? We shouldn't give two shits about any massive corporation, especially Telstra and their record billion dollar profits. You want to know what's wrong? That the CEO of Telstra makes an incredible living manipulating money and screwing ordinary people over while somebody who actually...
  7. TacoTerrorist

    Dear lefties, Rudd is a CRIMINAL who has BETRAYED you

    Lol. As if any PM would have that desire, and even if they did, the true power is not held by Parliament but by the wealthy elite. This is why reform and the ballot don't change shit. They're always going to try and reduce our freedoms.
  8. TacoTerrorist

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    The question is, why wouldn't they pursue a racist agenda? Overtly, they appear to be anti-racist so as to avoid direct criticism that they aren't. On a more subtle level, the anti-multicultural and outright racist (in the case of refugees) diatribe is clearly evident to the trained eye and free...
  9. TacoTerrorist

    Islam a religion of peace

    ITT: Ignorant pseudo-fascists.
  10. TacoTerrorist

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    Perhaps you're missing my point, or I'm not being concise enough. It is irrelevant how racist the elites are, and I'd agree that they are more likely more racially-egalitarian than others. However, you don't have to agree with something to perpetuate a lie about it. It is quite clear that the...
  11. TacoTerrorist

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    ^ True, and that makes sense. The fundamental aspect here, politically, is that those who have a monetary interest in keeping the masses (that is the wage-labourers) drive racial ignorance to assist in keeping us socially divided and less likely to recognise that class matters more than race...
  12. TacoTerrorist

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    ^ I don't think we have a conflict, however I would argue that race is largely irrelevant, and the issue of race is inflated and used by the ruling class to assist in dividing the masses socially.
  13. TacoTerrorist

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    Are you suggesting that there are innate, significant differences between races? Such a theory is scientifically archaic. What do you suggest then are the reasons for these differences in crime rates, controlled for poverty etc?
  14. TacoTerrorist

    Cops execute 7 year old girl

    Muzk is one of the few people in this topic who aren't retards. He has quoted statistics and used reasoned arguments and all you morons can do is come up with antiquated, thinly veiled racist diatribe. 'Oh yeah black people use these events to promote anti-racism' and the like. Wake up to...
  15. TacoTerrorist

    Dear lefties, Rudd is a CRIMINAL who has BETRAYED you

    Somalia is not a libertarian nation and it does not have libertarian values. It is a war-torn country ruled by warlords and the like. Absence of government on its own does not imply libertarianism, as the authoritarian State is merely replaced by militant warlords vying for power and resources...
  16. TacoTerrorist

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    Democracy blows. :(
  17. TacoTerrorist

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    ^ Dude, Capitalism is bullshit. The only people that benefit are the super rich at our expense. I don't understand the fact that you are a victim of Capitalism and yet you defend it. Also, don't call me a retard because I have a different view from you. Political activism is the only thing...
  18. TacoTerrorist

    Tony Abbott breaks election promise BEFORE election

    All politicians are conservative pricks who at the end of the day will always support big business over the general populace. Nothing ever changes through this piece of shit we call democracy. No matter who you vote for the outcome will always be the same: you get screwed while billion-dollar...
  19. TacoTerrorist


  20. TacoTerrorist

    Welfare lowering intelligence

    No, it would lead to a society with rampant crime. Making 'unintelligent people extinct' is immoral.